Global and EU olives sector developments Technical Assistance for Development of a Strategy for Alignment with Common Market Organisation (CMO) Requirements TR2014/AG/10-A1-01/001 This Project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Global and EU olives sector developments Miroslav Božić Ankara, 10th May, 2018
Global and EU olives sector developments: topics for discussion Global market World production Trade in olive oil and table olives Overview of EU olive sector figures International Olive Council - IOC
Characteristics of the world market Olive groves shaped rural landscapes of many regions in the world Olive oil – worldwide recognized as being an icon of Mediterranean cuisine and as being healthy Significant annual fluctuations in production, but constant increase of production of olive oil (especially in last 30 years) Production of table olives also on the rise due to increased demand (2,5 times since 1990) and faster growth outside the EU Rise of consumption of olive oil to continue, both as end product but also by the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry EU is the largest world producer of olive oil with around 70% of total world production and largest area under olive groves
World production of olive oil period: 1961-2014, tonnes CAGR = 0.24% CAGR = 3.02% Source: Own calculation based on FAO data
World and EU olive oil production Share of top olive oil producers (IOC*) (*average for production years 2015/16 and 2016/17) World and EU olive oil production World production of olive oil reflects the production trends in the EU !
Global trade in olive oil (IOC, 1000 tons, average 2015/16 - 2016/17) TOP EXPORTERS Total world 771.8 1 EU 564.5 2 Tunisia 94.0 3 Turkey 30.3 4 Argentina 23.8 5 Chile 11.8 TOP IMPORTERS Total world 807.3 1 USA 309.5 2 EU 114.3 3 Brazil 54.8 4 Canada 40.3 5 China 36.5
World production of table olives 1990-2017, 1000 t (IOC) Source: EC, 2018
Table olives production outside the EU is more than double than in the EU !
World ranking: 1. Spain; 2. Egypt 3. Turkey, … Share of top table olive producers (IOC*) (*average for years 2015/16 and 2016/17) World ranking: 1. Spain; 2. Egypt 3. Turkey, …
Global trade in table olives (IOC, 1000 tons, average 2015/16 - 2016/17) TOP EXPORTERS Total world 630.3 1 EU 288.5 2 Morocco 79.5 3 Egypt 78.3 4 Turkey 68.5 5 Argentina 61.0 TOP IMPORTERS Total world 620.3 1 USA 150.0 2 EU 95.8 3 Canada 29.3 4 Russia 23.5 5 Australia 17.3
Highest prices in export of table olives achieved by non-producing countries! Source: Own analysis based on UN database
Production of olive oil in the EU: general overview Olives produced in: Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Croatia, France, Cyprus, Slovenia and Malta EU is the leading: producer, consumer and exporter of olive oil In the marketing years 2011/12 – 2015/16 the EU produced 70%, consumed 56% and exported 66% of the world's olive oil Around 1.5 million farms with olive plantations in 2013 (EUROSTAT) – average size under 2 ha in most Member States except Spain (5.8 ha)
EU production of table olives in relation to world production Average EU share in the world production: around one third!
EU Production by Member State (average: 2015/16 & 2016/17) Olive oil: total 2 mil. t Table olives: total 0.86 mil. t Spain the leader. Italy and Greece reverse order on 2nd and 3rd place
International Olive Council - IOC The International Olive Council is the only intergovernmental organisation in the world to bring together olive oil and table olive producing and consuming stakeholders (founded in 1959) Forum for authoritative discussion on issues of interest to the olive industry: (i) trade standards, (ii) research and (iii) technology transfers
The oldest olive tree in the world? There are few candidates … Najviše stabala preko 1500 god na jednom mjestu – LUN na otoku Pagu s kamenom isprepletene masline! Pag, CROATIA
This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union The contents of this publication is the sole responsibility of NIRAS IC Sp. z o.o. and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union