Distributions of Water Cube Project 8th Grade Science
Directions: There are 6 sides to a cube Each side will represent different information about the distribution of Earth’s water Title side Pie Chart The 4 categories for distribution.
Side 1: Title side The title for our cube is “Distribution of Earth’s water” Color and decorate this side however you wish It must say “Distributions of Earth’s water” It must have YOUR NAME AND CORE
Side 2: Pie chart Create a pie chart using the following information: Location % of Earth’s Water Oceans 97% (Color blue) Rivers and Lakes .05% (Color yellow) Ground Water .4% (Color red) Polar Ice Caps 2.3% (Color green)
Side 3: Oceans Things to include: [The word] Oceans Percentage % Usable or unusable to humans? Color or shade this square blue
Side 4: Rivers and Lakes Things to include: Rivers and Lakes Percentage % Usable or unusable to humans? Color or shade this square yellow
Side 5: Ground Water Things to include: Groundwater Percentage % Usable or unusable to humans? Color or shade this square red
Side 6: Polar ice caps Things to include: Polar ice caps Percentage % Usable or unusable to humans? Color or shade this square green