SARS - Spring 2003 The York Region Experience Siobhan Kearns Manager, Environment & Health Protection Division City of Ottawa September 29, 2007
York Region Second largest epicentre in Canada Population of 900,000 Hundreds of people fell sick Thousands quarantined
The Role of the Environmental Health Division (Public Health Inspectors) in York Region throughout SARS
Role Management role in the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). PHIs followed up with quarantines. Managed Infection Control issues at the SARS triage clinic and at all Institutional settings. Inspected York Central Hospital to facilitate its' reopening.
EOC Staffing of the EOC 24/7 Physicians, PHIs, Paramedics, PHNs Management of quarantined individuals Delivery of Orders issued by MOH Coordination of hospital/long term care transfers Dissemination of information from MOHLTC
Quarantines PHNs followed up with case management PHIs would check on individuals not answering the telephone
Infection Control PHIs developed guidelines for infection control practices and inspected: SARS triage facility Long term care facilities Retirement homes Hospitals
York Central Hospital PHIs were involved in the inspection of York Central Hospital to facilitate it’s reopening