EMFF 2014-2020 Funding opportunities for the environment MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES EMFF 2014-2020 Funding opportunities for the environment
EMFF. What's new? Fisheries Fleet measures Aquaculture Control and data collection Marketing and processing IMP Cross-compliance with CFP Results orientation Delegated and implementing acts Conditionality
EMFF in support of the objectives of the reformed CFP CFP Art. 2 The CFP shall… … ensure that fishing and aquaculture activities are environmentally sustainable in the long term … implement the ecosystem based approach to fisheries management to ensure that negative impacts on the ecosystem are minimized, and endeavour to ensure that aquaculture and fisheries activities avoid the degradation of the marine environment …be coherent with the EU environmental legislation, in particular with the objective of achieving GES by 2020 as set out in the MSFD …..
EMFF support to MSFD objectves No increase in capacity; support to MSY, no-discard fishing. Reducing impact of fisheries/aquaculture on the environment; support for selective and low impact gear. Management, restoration and monitoring NATURA 2000 sites and special protected areas in line with MSFD Conservation measures (regionalisation) IMP Control and enforcement. Data collection. Ex-ante evaluation. SEA. Monitoring and evaluation. Conditionality. etc
No increase in capacity, better management of resources EMFF Article 13: operations increasing the fishing capacity of the vessel shall not be eligible. Improved management reduces pressure on the resources, reduces the impact on the marine environment and has a positive impact on biodiversity conservation: support to MSY, LTMP, TFC, no discard policy.
Reducing impact of fisheries on the environment Equipment for reduction of discards/by-catch Equipment for improving selectivity Promotion of low impact gear Collection of waste, lost fishing gear and marine litter Rehabilitation of migration routes for migratory species Training programmes for fishermen Partnership between scientists and fishermen Diversification
Reducing the impact of aquaculture Aid for productive investments in general as long as in line with the multi-annual national strategic plan on aquaculture. Conversion to eco-management, audit schemes and organic aquaculture Aquaculture providing environmental services Aquaculture methods compatible with environmental needs in line with N 2000 areas Aquaculture including conservation and biodiversity protection
Natura 2000 and MSFD EMFF A 38: protection and restoration of marine biodiversity. Preparation, studies, drawing-up management plans for fishery related activities in N 2000 sites, in special protected areas (MSFD) and in other special habitats. Management, restoration and monitoring in a) N 2000 sites in accordance with PAFs; b) MPA in view of MSFD implementation.
Regionalization Groups of MS and stakeholders may make joint recommendations on conservation measures (specific to their area/fisheries). These may then be translated into Union law via a quick procedure, provided that the COM agrees and stakeholders are consulted EMFF may support organisation/participation in meetings
Control and enforcement Data collection Increased budget for Data collection and scientific advice , to increase the number of stocks for which scientific advice is available. Control, in order to ensure better compliance. For data collection, work programmes complementing the multiannual programming and allowing a regular interaction between COM and MS Relevant union financial assistance may be suspended/interrupted when MS fail to collect and/or provide data on time
Integrated Maritime Policy (shared management) Introduction of IMP objectives and eligible operations under shared management Integrated maritime surveillance (CISE) Protection of the marine environment (Natura 2000 and MSFD) Improvement of knowledge on the state of the marine environment, in particular in the framework of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
Integrated Maritime Policy (direct management) Maritime policy coordination tools – support to policy tools which cannot be developed within individual policy areas or at MS level: Maritime spatial planning Integrated maritime surveillance Marine knowledge Marine strategy framework directive Blue Growth: identifies and addresses barriers that hinder growth in emerging maritime sectors. Eligible operations: studies, conferences, projects, public information, awareness raising, publicity campaigns, events, websites, stakeholder platforms, exchange of best practices, IT systems, technical tools for an operational European Marine Observation and Data System
Ex-ante evaluation and SEA EMFF OPs are subject to an ex-ante evaluation. OPs must include SWOT analysis including progress to achieve GES as well as specific needs for N2000 areas. All EMFF OPs require an SEA. SEA must be carried out during the preparation of the programmes and must be completed before their submission to the Commission. The ex-ante evaluation should summarise the SEA process and outline how it was taken into account in the programme design.
Monitoring and evaluation A new "Common Monitoring and Evaluation System" The EMFF foresees common indicators to assess progress towards achievement of the objectives of Europe 2020 strategy. These common indicators will be the basis for monitoring and evaluation and to review the performance of the programmes. They will allow the aggregation of data at Union level. Integration of environmental policy: Indicators to assess progress towards achievement of MSFD objectives (work in progress). Context indicator n°6 for fisheries (UP 1): "Available ecosysytem indicators as defined for the purpose of MSFD implementation. Result indicator n°2 for IMP (UP 6): "increase in the coverage of MPA (in surface and time) in the context of MSFD Article 13.4.
Conditionality EMFF Article 12. Admissibility of operations. Applications shall not be admissible for EMFF support if concerned operators: Committed serious infringements of the CFP Committed offences set out in Article 3 and 4 of Directive on the protection of the environment through criminal law (application for support under "sustainable evelopment of aquaculture") ,
Conclusion Implementation of measures The EMFF offers funding opportunities for the protection of the environment. However it is for the Member States to decide what measures to include in their OPs. The programming process foresees a partnership dialogue which gives partners an opportunity to provide input in the programming and monitoring processes (CPR Article 5). Partners include bodies representing civil society, NGOs, economic and social partners etc.. Once the OPs are adopted, partners can play an important role in identifying and encouraging the implementation of projects that contribute to the protection of the environment.