New Resonances from B-factories J. Brodzicka (KEK) for Belle KEKTH’07, Tsukuba
A lot of states, a lot of production processes… J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 A lot of states, a lot of production processes…
B-Factories are Charmonium factories J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 B-Factories are Charmonium factories cc (-like) production mechanisms @ B-Factory B meson decays i.e. B→Xcc K(*) e+e- radiative return (ISR) e+e-→γISRXcc →γISR J/ψππ e+e- annihilation i.e. double cc production e+e-→J/ψXcc γγ collision e+e-→γγ→Xcc→DD B X W K(*) b c u, d c s u, d e+ J/ψ X e- c γ * c e+ e+ e- e- X D γ e+ e- π J/ψ γISR γ* X
A lot of data from KEK-B Factory… J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 A lot of data from KEK-B Factory… Asymmetric e+e- collider Tsukuba e+: 3.5 GeV e-: 8.0 GeV CM energy: 10.58 GeV at (4S) e+e- (4S) BB Advantages: exclusive source of BB pairs useful kinematical constraints high signal-to-background ratio separation of B decay vertices Record luminosity peak: 1.711034cm-2s-1 Integrated luminosity: ~750 fb-1 ~ 780 * 106 BB ~ 960 * 106 cc Beauty and Charm Factory
…recorded with the Belle detector J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 …recorded with the Belle detector Silicon Vertex Detector KL / Detector SC Solenoid 1.5T Central Drift Chamber Aerogel Cherenkov Counter Electromagnetic Calorimeter Time of Flight Counter Event reconstruction Charged tracks Central Drift Chamber Silicon Vertex Detector Electrons and photons Electromagnetic Calorimeter 3.5 GeV e+ Particle identification K/ separation Central Drift Chamber: dE/dx Aerogel Cherenkov Counter Time of Flight Counter Electron identification Electromagnetic Calorimeter KL and identification KL and muon detector Vertexing Silicon Vertex Detector 8 GeV e-
B decays as a charmonium-like factory J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 B decays as a charmonium-like factory B→Xcc K(*) decays used: b→cW→ccs is dominant process (exclusive BF ~10-3) background reduction is possible JP of parent B is known → JP of the child particles can be determined from angular analysis J=0, 1 states should dominate (if factorization assumed) b c u, d c s K(*) u, d B charmonium (-like) W η, χc, J/ψ, ψ’… Good place for spectroscopy study! Cabbibo-favored vertices
How to identify B meson signal J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 How to identify B meson signal We take advantage of e+e-→(4S) → BB kinematics m(4S)~ mB + mB no accompanying particles → EB=Ebeam=√s/2 in cms kinematical variables used in B-Factories Mbc= √E2beam- p2B beam-constrained mass (signal at mB~5.28GeV) ΔE=EB - Ebeam cms energy difference (signal peaks at 0) Resolution improvement (Ebeam is precisely known) Background separation Mbc ΔE Example: B0→ J/ψ KS
Reminder on X(3872) X(3872)→J/ψπ+π- observed in B+→X(3872)K+ by Belle J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Reminder on X(3872) X(3872)→J/ψπ+π- observed in B+→X(3872)K+ by Belle confirmed by BaBar, CDF, D0 PRL91, 262001 (2003) X(3872)→J/ψππ Ψ(2S)→J/ψππ M(J/ψπ+π-) 152M BB BF(B→KX)*BF(X→J/ψππ) = (1.3±0.2±0.1)*10-5 117M BB
Properties of X(3872) mX=3871.2 ± 0.5MeV ≈ mD*0+mD0 (PDG06) J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Properties of X(3872) mX=3871.2 ± 0.5MeV ≈ mD*0+mD0 (PDG06) narrow: Γ<2.3MeV above DD threshold but no X→DD found PRL93, 051803 (2004) M(π+π-) is like ρ(770), so X(3872)→J/ψρ? Other decay modes: J/ψγ, J/ψω Favored JPC= 1++ (angular analysis by Belle/CDF, decay modes) What is X(3872)? cc? Does not match any cc predicted by quark models DD* molecule? mX-(mD*0+mD0)= -0.6±0.6 MeV above/below DD*? 4-quark? Would explain small width. Charged X should exist M(π+π-)
J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Is X(3872) a cc state ?
J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 X(3872) in B+ and B0 decays BELLE-CONF-0711 Study of X(3872)→J/ψπ+π- in B+→XK+ and B0→XK0s (657M BB) control sample: B→ψ’K ψ’→J/ψππ to calibrate mass & resolution after Mbc and ΔE selection: similar properties of X(3872) from B+ and B0 decays (this disfavors some theoretical models) B+→XK+ Ns=125±14 (12σ) 657M BB M(J/ψπ+π-) B0→XK0s Ns=30±7 (6.5σ) First observation! M(J/ψπ+π-)
X(3872)→DD* X(3872) is very close to D*0D0 threshold J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 X(3872)→DD* X(3872) is very close to D*0D0 threshold BaBar: B+→D*0D0K D*0 →D0π0,D0γ (383M BB) Belle: B+→D0D0 π0K (447M BB) mass ~4σ above M(X) for X→J/ψππ are there two states X(3872) and X(3875)? N=33±7 (4.9σ) N=24±6 (6.4σ) hep-ex/0708.1565 PRL97, 162002(2006) M(X)=3875.1+0.7-0.5 ±0.5 MeV Γ=3.0+1.9-1.4 ± 0.9 MeV M(X)=3875.4 ± 0.7+0.4-1.7 ±0.9 MeV
What is X(3872)? Xu= Xd= u c d c 4-quark model: J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 What is X(3872)? 4-quark model: Xu [uc][uc] state decaying to D0D0π0 = X(3875) Xd [dc][dc] state decaying to J/Ψπ+π- = X(3872) Finding charged partner is critical Molecule model: X is D*0D0 bound state (mX ≈ mD*0+ mD0) Favors DDπ over J/ψππ Line shape depends on the decay channel X(3872) properties still under investigation (mass, width, line shape, decay modes…) Maiani, Polosa et al. hep-ph/0707.3354 u c Xu= d c Xd= Braaten et al. hep-ph/0710.5482
J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Recently…
Observation of Z+(4430)→ψ’π+ J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Observation of Z+(4430)→ψ’π+ hep-ex/0708.1790 Submitted to PRL Belle studied B0 →ψ’π+K- and B+→ψ’π+K0s (657M BB) ψ’→ e+e-, μ+μ- or J/ψπ+π- J/ψ →e+e-, μ+μ- secondary particles combined to B→ψ’π+K candidates Mbc and ΔE selection: clear B→ψ’π+K signal
Observation of Z+(4430)→ψ’π+ J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Observation of Z+(4430)→ψ’π+ in B→ψ’π+K Dalitz plot: K*→π+K states and a clear band at M2(ψ’π+)~20GeV2 K*veto applied to study of ψ’π+ (both K* regions excluded) M(ψ’π+) fit: Breit-Wigner + like function prominent peak (K* veto applied) 3-body decays non-B background M2(ψ’π+) M2(Kπ+) K*(890) K2*(1430) ??? Z+(4430) N =121±30 (6.5σ) M(ψ’π+) M= 4433 ± 4 MeV Γ= 45+18-13 MeV
Z+(4430) →ψ’π+ Z(4430) signal is robust: M= 4433 ± 4 ± 2 MeV Γ= 45 MeV J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Z+(4430) →ψ’π+ Z(4430) signal is robust: B generic MC studied → Z(4430) is not a reflection data subsets checked, K* veto changed interference between Kπ partial waves (S,P,D) → cannot produce such narrow peak in ψ’π+ M= 4433 ± 4 ± 2 MeV Γ= 45 MeV +18 +30 –13 -13 Z+(4430) BF(B→KZ)*BF(Z→ψ’π+) = (4.1 ±1.0±1.4 )*10-5 JP not determined, statistics too low First candidate for a charged cc-like state! Must be exotic! Z(4430) could be a tetraquark state [cu][cd] (Charged states naturally appear in 4-quark models) Radial excitation of X(3872/5) family? Maiani, Polosa et al. hep-hp/0708.3997
Y(3940)→J/ψω from Belle Study of B→ KJ/ψω (275M BB) J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Y(3940)→J/ψω from Belle PRL 94, 182002 (2005) Study of B→ KJ/ψω (275M BB) J/ψ→ee, μμ ω→π+π-π0 Mbc , ΔE and M(π+π-π0) selection M(ωK)>1.6GeV: K* veto Y is above DD threshold but has large cc transition Candidate for cc-gluon hybrid? (but hybrids predicted above 4GeV) M2(ωK) M2(ωJ/ψ) K*’s Y(3940) M(ωJ/ψ) N=58±11 M= 3943±11±13 MeV Г=87±22±26 MeV BF(B→KY)*BF(Y→J/ψω) =(7.1±1.3±3.1)*10-5
Y(3940) confirmed by BaBar Similar study of B→ KJ/ψω (383M BB) J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Y(3940) confirmed by BaBar hep-ex/0711.2047 submitted to PRL Similar study of B→ KJ/ψω (383M BB) But events weighted according to helicity distribution expected for ω→π+π-π0 (~sin2θ) (projects the signal, reduces background) Fit to acceptance corrected M(J/ψω) M= 3914 ±4 ±2 MeV Г= 33 ±5 MeV mass and width smaller than Y(3940) from Belle BF(B+→K+Y)*BF(Y→J/ψω)=(4.9±1.0±0.5)*10-5 BF(B0→K0Y)*BF(Y→J/ψω)<3.9*10-5 M(π+π-π0) Mbc M(J/ψω) B+→K+ J/ψω B0→K0 J/ψω ΔE +12 – 8
Double cc production: e+e-→J/ψ(cc)res J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Double cc production: e+e-→J/ψ(cc)res PRL 98, 082001 (2007) e+ J/ψ X e- c γ * c Factory of 0++ and 0-+ charmonia Method: reconstruct J/ψ, study recoil mass Mrecoil(J/ψ) =√(Ecm-E J/ψ)2 -p2 J/ψ Surprises: below DD: cc states with large x-sections O(10-20fb) above DD: new state X(3940) Method is limited: σ~30MeV; remainder system not reconstructed → its identification indirect N=266±63 (5σ) M=3936±14 MeV Γ=39±26 MeV one state or more? 357fb-1 BF(X(3940)J/ψω)<26% @90%CL so X(3940) it’s not Y(3940)
Double cc production: e+e-→J/ψ D(*)D(*) J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Double cc production: e+e-→J/ψ D(*)D(*) D(*)D(*) resonances through e+e- →J/ψ D(*)D(*) Reconstruct J/ψ and one D(*) , study Mrecoil(J/ψD(*) ) Associated D(*) seen as peak in Mrecoil(J/ψD(*)) Tagged processes: J/ψDD , J/ψDD* , J/ψD*D* (all >5σ) Mrec(J/ψD) D D* D*π 693fb-1 Mrec(J/ψD*) D D* hep-ex/0708.3812 submitted to PRL
Double cc production: e+e-→J/ψ D(*)D(*) J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Double cc production: e+e-→J/ψ D(*)D(*) Constrain Mrecoil(J/ψD(*)) from the peak regions to the nominal mass of associated D(*) Tagged & constrained: e+e-→J/ψ D(*)D(*) so Mrecoil(J/ψ) = M(D(*)D(*)) ee→J/ψ DD Mrec(J/ψD) M(DD) D D* D*π M(DD) is not non-resonant one broad resonance or more? fit unstable, significance low remains inconclusive
X(3940) and X(4160) X(3940)→DD* visible in inclusive Mrecoil(J/ψD) J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 X(3940) and X(4160) X(3940)→DD* visible in inclusive Mrecoil(J/ψD) X(4160) →D*D* one more particle (C=+1 so it’s not ψ(4160)) Possible assignments: ηc(3S) ηc(4S) Mrec(J/ψD) D D* D*π D D* Mrec(J/ψD*) ee→J/ψ D*D* X(4160) 5.5σ M(D*D*) ee→J/ψ DD* X(3940) 6.0σ M(D*D) N = 24 M = 4156 ± 15 MeV = 139 ± 21 MeV +25 –20 +111 – 61 +12 – 8 N = 52 M =3942 ± 6 MeV =37 ± 12 MeV +7 –6 +26 –15 +24 –16
Y family from ISR studies J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Y family from ISR studies PRL 95, 142001 (2005) for 232fb-1 CLEO PRD74, 091104 (2006) CLEO-c PRL 96, 162003 (2006) for 13pb-1@4.26GeV Y(4260)→J/ψππ Y(4350)→ψ’ππ M = 4259 ± 8 MeV = 88 ± 23 MeV (Y→ee)*B(Y→J/ψππ)=5.5± 1.0 eV +2 –6 +6 –4 +0.8 –0.7 PRL 98, 212001 (2007) for 298fb-1
Y→J/ψππ via ISR γISR ISR gives access to JPC=1-- states J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Y→J/ψππ via ISR PRL 99, 182004 (2007) e+ e- π J/ψ γISR γ* X ISR gives access to JPC=1-- states Study of e+e-→J/ψπ+π- γISR (548 fb-1) Selection: J/ψ→ee, μμ + ππ; no extra tracks ISR photon is not detected Missing mass used to identify process In M(J/ψππ): ψ’ signal and two clusters of events Ψ’ Y(4260)
Y→J/ψππ via ISR Fit to M(J/ψππ) with two interfering Breit-Wigners J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Y→J/ψππ via ISR PRL 99, 182004 (2007) Fit to M(J/ψππ) with two interfering Breit-Wigners Two solutions (destructive/constructive interference) Y(4260) confirmed Y(4008) broad state? Re-scattering from DD*? Coupled-channel effect? Non-resonant component? Y(4260) Y(4008)
J/ψππ from ISR studies Using ISR we can measure hadronic x-sections J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 J/ψππ from ISR studies Using ISR we can measure hadronic x-sections in wide energy range Model independent measurement M(J/ψππ): background subtracted, corrected for efficiency and luminosity → Cross-section for e+e-→J/ψπ+π-
Y→ψ’ππ via ISR Belle studied e+e-→ψ’π+π- γISR (673 fb-1) J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Y→ψ’ππ via ISR PRL 99, 142002 (2007) Belle studied e+e-→ψ’π+π- γISR (673 fb-1) ψ’→J/ψππ, J/ψ→ee, μμ + ππ; no extra tracks γISR not detected Very low background Two significant peaks observed in M(ψ’ππ) One close to Babar’s Y(4360) but more narrow Y(4360) new
Y→ψ’ππ via ISR M(ψ’ππ) fitted with two coherent Breit-Wigner functions J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Y→ψ’ππ via ISR PRL 99, 142002 (2007) M(ψ’ππ) fitted with two coherent Breit-Wigner functions Two solutions (for destructive/constructive interference) Y(4360) Y(4660)
e+e-→J/ψKK via ISR Belle studies e+e-→J/ψKK γISR (673fb-1) J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 e+e-→J/ψKK via ISR hep-ex/0709.2565 to appear in PRD Belle studies e+e-→J/ψKK γISR (673fb-1) First observation of e+e-→J/ψK+K- γISR and evidence for e+e-→J/ψKsKs γISR M(J/ψKK) inconclusive
1 - - Y states via ISR p+p- J/y p+p- y’ l K+K- J/y Y(4260) Y(4660) J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 1 - - Y states via ISR p+p- J/y l Y(4260) Y(4008) Y(4660) Y(4360) p+p- y’ K+K- J/y
Do Y states decay to D(*)D(*) ? J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Do Y states decay to D(*)D(*) ? All Y states above DD, should decay to D(*)D(*) Y states do not match well to peaks in hadronic x-sections This means large partial widths to ψππ (unlike for ordinary cc) ψ(4040) ψ(4160) ψ(4415) σ(nb) D*D* D*D DD Y(4260) Y(4360) Y(4660) PRL 98, 092001 (2007) hep-ex/0708.0082 to appear in PRD(RC)
Look for Yb : bb counterpart of Y(4260) J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Look for Yb : bb counterpart of Y(4260) hep-ex/0710.2577 If bb follows the pattern in cc , Yb should exist: Yb→Y(nS)ππ Proposal: study of Y(5S) data Belle collected 21.7 fb-1 at √s~10.87GeV Only one energy point. At Y(5S) or nearby? Let’s call it “Y(5S)” “Y(5S)”→Y(nS)π+π- Y(nS)→μ+μ- ΔM= M(Y(mS))-M(Y(nS))=M(μμππ)-M(μμ) m>n Hou, PRD74, 017504 (2006) “Y(5S)”→Y(2S)ππ “Y(5S)”→Y(1S)ππ Y(1S) Y(2S) Y(3S) “Y(5S)”→Y(3S)ππ “Y(5S)”→Y(2S)ππ “Y(5S)”→Y(1S)ππ
Huge Y(5S)→Y(nS)ππ Do we see Yb? J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Huge Y(5S)→Y(nS)ππ Do we see Yb? Process Yield σ(pb) BF(%) Г(MeV) “Y(5S)”→Y(1S)ππ 325±20 1.6±0.1±0.1 0.53±0.03±0.05 0.59±0.04±0.09 “Y(5S)”→Y(2S)ππ 186±15 2.3±0.2±0.3 0.78±0.06±0.11 0.85±0.07±0.16 “Y(5S)”→Y(3S)ππ 10±4 1.4±0.5±0.2 0.48±0.18±0.07 0.52±0.20±0.10 assuming Y(5S)@10.87GeV σ=0.302±0.015nb Large! Large Y(5S)→Y(nS)ππ partial widths! For other bb: O(keV) Do not agree with hypothesis for pure bb state Is it Yb? Mixture of Y(5S) and Yb? Energy scan around Y(5S) needed
Ys: strange version of Y(4260)? J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Ys: strange version of Y(4260)? Y(2175)→ f0(980) φ from BaBar (confirmed by BESII) confirmed by BESII PRD74, 091103 (R) (2006)
Z(3930) from γγ γ X Only C=+1 states produced J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Z(3930) from γγ PRL 96, 082003 (2006) e+ e+ e- e- X D γ Only C=+1 states produced ee→γγ→DD studied (395fb-1) Peak observed M(DD)~3.93GeV N=64±18 M=3929±5±2MeV Г=29±10±2MeV Гγγ*BF(Z→DD)=0.18± 0.05±0.03 keV (for J=2) Spin-2 favored over spin-0 by helicity distribution Z(3930) is χ’c2 candidiate Z(3930) J=2 J=0
J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 A lot of XYZ states… ll
cc (-like) state of art We added a few new states… J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 cc (-like) state of art We added a few new states… Are they cc? Do we understand them? ηc(4S) Y(3360), Y(3660)
Summary Do we see new charmonium spectroscopy @4GeV? J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Summary Do we see new charmonium spectroscopy @4GeV? There are good candidates for hybrids, multiquarks Y(3940) X(3872) Z(4430) Y-family… XYZ spectroscopy in s and b quark sectors? Yb, Ys?
Lots of pieces… Are they all from the same puzzle? Y(3940) Z(4430) J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Lots of pieces… Y(3940) Z(4430) X(4160) Are they all from the same puzzle? Y(4660) Y(4008) Y(4260) Y(4360) X(3872)
J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Backup
Yb counterpart ? M(ππ) and cosθhel studied J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Yb counterpart ? M(ππ) and cosθhel studied Brown-Cahn (CLEO) model (grey) generic phase space (open)
Double cc production: e+e-→J/ψ(cc)res J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Double cc production: e+e-→J/ψ(cc)res . D D* J/ψ e+ e-
J. Brodzicka for Belle @ KEKTH’07 Y(3940) hybrid? B