Wheelock Caput 20 The Fourth Declension Ablative of Place from Which Ablative of Separation
The Fourth Declension manus, manūs, f. - hand manuum manuī manibus manum manūs manū manibus manus manūs
cornū, cornūs, n. - horn cornū cornua cornūs cornuum cornū cornibus
The Fourth Declension metus, metūs, m. - fear, dread, anxiety magnus metūs magnī metūs magnī metuum magnōrum metuī magnō metibus magnīs metum magnum metūs magnōs metū magnō metibus magnīs metus magne metūs magnī
sēnsus, sēnsūs, m. - feeling, sense potēns sēnsūs potentēs sēnsūs potentis sēnsuum potentium sēnsuī potentī sēnsibus potentibus sēnsum potentem sēnsūs potentēs sēnsū potentī sēnsibus potentibus sēnsus potēns sēnsūs potentēs
The Fourth Declension cornū, cornūs, n. - horn cornū ācre cornūs ācris cornū ācrī cornū ācre cornua ācria cornuum ācrium cornibus ācribus
Ablative of Place from Which The ablative with ab, dē and ex indicates Place from which Ex urbe id mīsit Dē montibus currō.
Ablative of Separation The ablative with ab, dē and ex indicates Separation Ab urbe eā prohibuit. Gallōs ab Aquītānīs Garumna flūmen, ā Belgīs Matrona et Sēquana dīvidit
Ablative of Separation The ablative can be used alone to indicate Separation freeing, lacking and depriving Metū eōs līberāvit. Magnā famā et fortunā illa caret.