Verb Review and some different Nouns Plurals Verb Review and some different Nouns
DON’T FORGET!! In the dictionary entry puer, pueri, m. – boy and lupus, lupi, m. – wolf, pueri means “of the boy” & lupi means “of the wolf”
Puer sedet
Pueri sedent
Lupus sedet
Lupi sedent
Puer ambulat
Pueri ambulant
Lupus ambulat
Lupi ambulant
Puer cantat
Pueri cantant
Lupus ululat
Lupi ululant
Puer dormit
Pueri dormiunt
Lupus currit
Lupi currunt
Verbs so far Singular Plural t it nt unt OR iunt *dormio, fugio, rapio
Nouns so far Singular Subject Plural Subject a us, r ae ī