Organic compounds contain carbon..excluding carbonates and oxides Organic Chemistry Organic compounds contain carbon..excluding carbonates and oxides
Hydrocarbons- compounds only containing hydrogen and carbon Alkanes- only single bonds Alkenes-contain double covalent bonds Alkynes-contain triple covalent bonds
Naming Hydrocarbons Prefixes: 1-meth 6- hex 2-eth 7- hept 3-prop 8- oct 4-but 9-non 5-pent 10- dec
Pick appropriate prefix and add correct ending….. Butane Ethene Hexyne
Functional Groups-group of atoms responsible for specific properties of an organic compound Alcohols- have a hydroxyl group (R-OH)
Alkyl halide- X = F, Cl, Br, I attached to chain (R-X) Ether- two hydrocarbon groups are bonded to the same atom of oxygen Aldehyde- a carbonly groups is attached to the end of the carbon chain
Ketones-carbonyl group is attached to a carbon within the chain Amines- compounds that are deriviates of ammonia Carboxylic acid- contain carboxyl functional groups
Esters- the hydrogen of the hydroxyl group is replaced by an alkyl group