JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.6 HGSH In this lesson you will discover some properties of rhombuses, rectangles, and squares. What you discover about the diagonals of these special parallelograms will help you understand why these lifts work the way they do. Recall that a rhombus is a parallelogram with four congruent sides, or an equilateral parallelogram. JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.6 HGSH
JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.6 HGSH To construct a parallelogram that is not a rhombus, you need two double-edged straightedges of different widths. Rhombus Rhombus diagonals JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.6 HGSH
JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.6 HGSH Rhombus Rhombus diagonals JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.6 HGSH
JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.6 HGSH
JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.7 HGSH Recall that a rectangle is a parallelogram with four congruent angles, or an equiangular parallelogram. Rectangle Diagonals JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.7 HGSH
JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.7 HGSH Rectangle Diagonals JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.7 HGSH
JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.7 HGSH Square Diagonals JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.7 HGSH
JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.7 HGSH Most of the paragraph proofs and flowchart proofs you have done so far have been set up for you to complete. Creating your own proofs requires good reasoning strategies and planning. One excellent reasoning strategy is “thinking backward.” If you know where you are headed but are unsure where to start, start at the end of the problem and work your way back to the beginning one step at a time. A concave kite is sometimes called a dart. JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.7 HGSH
JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.7 HGSH
JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.7 HGSH
JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.6 5.7 HGSH Homework: Lesson 5.6: Pages 294 - 295, Problems 1 thru 16 Lesson 5.7: Pages 300 - 301, Problems 1 thru 3 JRLeon Discovering Geometry Chapter 5.6 5.7 HGSH