US 75 Improvement Study Thanks for attending the Texas Department of Transportation’s first Grayson County open house for the US 75 Project from FM 1417 in Sherman to FM 120 in Denison.
Welcome to the Public Meeting US 75 Improvement Study Welcome to the Public Meeting No formal presentation Visit one-on-one with TxDOT staff Provide your feedback No presentation will be given tonight, but TxDOT staff is available to answer your questions. The purpose of this meeting is to present the project to the public and receive feedback.
Project Purpose: US 75 Improvement Study Enhance safety Address congestion Improve traffic operations Address roadway deficiencies Maps of the study area, proposed improvements, environmental constraints, and other displays are available inside. Feel free to ask the staff questions at each of the displays. The purpose of the proposed improvements is to enhance safety, address congestion, improve traffic operations, and address roadway deficiencies.
Ultimate Project US 75 Improvement Study Reconstruction of US 75: Add main lanes Continuous frontage roads U-turns Ramps, bridges and interchanges reconstructed as necessary The Ultimate Project would involve reconstruction of US 75 to add main lanes, continuous frontage roads, and U-turns. Ramps, bridges, and interchanges would be reconstructed as necessary. Shot: LocationMap_US75EA.png
Improvements include: US 75 Improvement Study Improvements include: Addition of frontage road lanes and U-turns at US 75/US 82 interchange Intersection improvements at North Travis Street and Loy Lake Road Improvements to the US 75 and US 82 interchange would involve the addition of frontage road lanes and U-turns at the US 75 and US 82 interchange, as well as intersection improvements at North Travis Street and Loy Lake Road. Shot: Map showing US75/US 82, North Travis, Loy Lake Rd. intersections
Improvements would: US 75 Improvement Study Handle projected traffic Upgrade the existing roadway to current design standards The proposed improvements are being designed to handle projected traffic, and upgrade the existing roadway to meet current design standards, including Federal Highway Administration and TxDOT hydraulic design policies. Portions of the existing roadway are located in areas designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as having a one percent annual chance of flooding; areas known as a 100-year floodplain. Shot: FHWA/TxDOT graphic merging to FEMA logo (is there a floodplain graphic?)
Verbal and written comments are encouraged! US 75 Improvement Study Verbal and written comments are encouraged! TxDOT is advancing the Ultimate Project with associated schematic design plans and environmental documentation. Comments about the proposed project are encouraged. Shot: Map on TxDOT US75 display ad newspaper ad
Submit comments today, or Submit your Comments Submit comments today, or Submit comments in writing within 15 days of this meeting Comments must be postmarked by April 6, 2018, to be included in the official record. Comments may be submitted today or in writing within 15 days after this meeting and must be postmarked by April 6, 2018 to be included in the official public record. Thanks for your participation in our study. Public involvement is an integral part of TxDOT’s project development process and we sincerely appreciate your time, participation, and feedback. Graphic of comment card and date.
For more information For more information, contact: Julie Rook, TxDOT Project Manager (903) 737-9282 For more information contact the TxDOT Paris District.
Thank You for Your Participation! Thanks for your participation in our study. Public involvement is an integral part of TxDOT’s project development process and we sincerely appreciate your time, participation, and feedback.