Dominic Hovasse and Jack Beach Spurs v Heat By Dominic Hovasse and Jack Beach
Statistical Analysis Based off of five key stats in the playoff ; points allowed per game, points scored per game, field goal percentage, assists per game and rebounds per game, We will determine which team will win the 2O14 NBA championship through the use of a 2 sample T test with a significance level of .05. Our hypothesis is that the Spurs will beat the Miami Heat in 7 games, we base this/ prelimnary hypothesis off of how well each team has played throughout the postseason this year and historically. We will get the statistics for our tests on
Public opinion Survey Survey question Which team, the San Antonio Spurs or the Miami Heat, will win the 2O14 NBA Championship? Survey Results Spurs:41% Heat:49%
History of Spurs and Heat History between the two 7 championships between the two team 4 Spurs championships 3 Heat championships 1 appearance against each other in finals, heat won All time greats such as Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, David Robinson
Test 1: Points Allowed Null: Spurs points allowed ≥ Heat points allowed Alternative: Spurs points allowed<Heat points allowed (Claim) t=2.030 p=0.0256 CV=1.697 RTN, support the claim. Spurs win test 1.
Test 2: Points Scored Null: Spurs points scored ≥ Heat points scored Alternative: Spurs points scored<Heat points scored (Claim) t=2.257 p=0.0157 CV:1.697 RTN, do not support claim. Spurs win test 2. X1=106.6ppg X2=99.1ppg
Test 3: Rebounds Null: Spurs rebound ≥ Heat rebound (Claim) Alternative: Spurs rebound<Heat rebound t=9.136 p=.9999 CV=1.697 RTN, support the claim. Spurs win Test 3 X1=43rpg X2=34rpg
Test 4: Assists Null: Spurs assists ≤ Heat assists (Claim) Alternative: Spurs assists>Heat assists t=1.348 p=0.0387 CV=1.231 α=.12 Raised the alpha to lower critical value to get RTN. RTN, supports claim. Spurs win test 4.
Test 5: FG% Null: Spurs FG % ≥ Heat FG%(Claim) Alternative: Spurs FG % <Heat FG% t=-3.538 p=0.149 CV=1.697 FTRN, does not support claim. Heat win Test 5.
Summary Through the use of a 2 sample t-Test we ran 5 major categories of basketball statistics and the Spurs won 4 out of the 5 tests we ran. We support our hypothesis that the Spurs will beat the Heat in the 2013-2014 NBA Finals.