Review of ITAC Retreat September 8, 2016 “
Maturity Grid
Relationship / Maturity Management Ranges from Ad-Hoc to Strategic Partner. Key takeaways Expect to have all levels of customers – at all the stages Typically your team should aim to move up the ladder We will need to train our staff on the different levels. Not everyone on our staff will be comfortable moving past service provider. Requires a change in language and a change in how we and our customers view IT
Advocacy Messaging is important. Does our customer understand why IT is important to them? What is the ROI of the request? Do we speak the language of our customer? Have we published our successes? - Where are our Posters? Do we have an Elevator pitch? Does our staff? Do we publish a year in review “State of IT” ? Do we have a 3-5 year “CV” for IT?
What can ITAC do to help Advocacy? Recommendation – have a true website. Publish best practices for sharing “how we did it” Publish “ROI” examples to help everyone speak “CFO” Publish case studies to help generate “others are doing it” stories Publish ROI metrics to help support common projects Leverage purchases by knowing what is about to be done