Select Committee on Finance Progress report: Local Government Hands-on Support Plan for 2008/2009 North West Province Presented by: The Provincial Treasury and Department of Local Government and Housing to the Select Committee on Finance 24 October 2008 Cape Town
Presentation structure Background on NW Local Government Support Plan Issues Raised by SCOF The Support Plan Progress on Support & Intervention Required Conclusion
Background on NW approach to Hands-on Support Plan NW DLGH conducted in depth assessment of all 25 municipalities from October 2007 until March 2008 The assessment was based on the 5 year LGSA and focus was on the 5 KPAs Outcome of assessments revealed that 11 out of the 25 municipalities require more hands-on support than the rest of the municipalities Support programme developed for all municipalities, but detailed hands-on support developed for the 11 priority municipalities
Background on NW approach to Hands-on Support Plan The hands-on support plan for the priority municipalities includes support required from DLGH and other sector departments The support plan was communicated with all the targeted municipalities, SALGA NW, sectot depts at the Provincial MRE forum and Dev planning forum The DBSA is a key strategic partner on the implementation of the plan The hands-on support plan is fully reflected in the DLGH’s APP and partly in other sector departments Implementation of the plan started in the last quarter of the 2007/8 financial year
Municipalities budget Compliance with MFMA ISSUES Raised by SCOF Municipalities budget Compliance with MFMA Spending and performance on conditional grants IGR issues across the three spheres of government Capacity constrains experienced by municipalities Level and extend of service delivery The alignment between the municipal IDPs and PGDS
The Support Plan Additional Municipalities identified by SCOF Municipalities Identified by DDL&H Mamusa LM Lekwa Teemane LM Greater Taung LM Molopo LM Kgetleng LM Moretele LM Maquassi Hills LM Ventersdorp LM Tswaing LM Ditsobotla LM Ratlou LM Additional Municipalities identified by SCOF Rustenburg Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati DM Dr KennethKaunda DM Naledi LM
Support and Intervention Required KPA 1: Transformation and Organisational Development Support and Intervention Required Progress to Date 1. Review organogram of Naledi and Ventersdorp municipalities to align with IDPs and budget; Conduct an audit on organizational structure to determine cause for huge wage bills, and determine acceptable salary packages. 1. Review started on 27 May by DDLHG[Municipal Admin Directorate] and is completed for both municipalities. Both structures have been adopted but have huge financial implications and are as such unimplementable[ positions have been escalated]. 2. Facilitate the filling of vacant MM posts in Ventersdorp, Ditsobotla and Maquassi Hills; CFO post in Ditsobotla and Tswaing 2. Acting MMs in all the three LMs, interviews conducted for Ventersdorp and MaquassiHills, shortlisting done for Ditsobotla; Acting CFO in Ditsobotla and Tswaing[Post advertised] no appointments 3. IDP support and capacity building for weak IDPs 3. All IDPs assessed in May; improvement done on weak IDPs’ final assessment due in October 4. Develop policies, by-laws, procedure manuals, code of conduct and powers and functions and conduct workshops for councilors and senior staff 4. All required policies in place and adopted, produced by LTT. 16 generic By-laws send to Ventersdorp and Tswaing for customization and adoption. Worksession conducted on powers and functions in all 4 DMs. Gazettes also distributed to all 25 munics. Still to conduct work sessions for code of conduct by end of November 2008.
Support and Intervention Required KPA 1: Transformation and Organisational Development Continued Support and Intervention Required Progress to Date 5. Conduct skills audit, develop training programmes 5. Provincial audit done for all section 57 managers; of the 124 managers only 20 did not participate. LGSETA/DPLG coordinating training. 6. Implement PMS support programmes in all priority municipalities 6. Work sessions conducted in July with sec 57 managers to develop SDBIPs and PAs. Support program developed for entire year. KPA 2: Basic Service Delivery 1.Conclude backlog study on water and sanitation 1. Backlog study completed on water and sanitation in all four DMs; no funding for electricity backlog study 2. Support seven municipalities financially to meet basic water provision target of 2008 2. Transfer of R16m from Botshelo to DNMMDM for water project [08/09]; stakeholder forum[DM, DBSA, Locals and Botshelo] is in place to investigate water resources and quality, and finalise transfer of assets
Support and Intervention Required KPA 2: Basic Service Delivery Continued Support and Intervention Required Progress to Date 3. Deploy technical expertise (51 FET college and technikon trainee artisans) to 8 (eight) municipalities to do operations and maintenance 3. FET artisans deployed to 10 municipalities[electrical, water, mechanical] 4. Facilitate IGR between WSA and WSP on water and sanitation function to ensure proper and coordinated planning and implementation of infrastructure programmes 4. The stakeholder meeting between DWARF and DMs convined; work in progress[transfer of assets] 5.Monitor the implementation of water and sanitation projects in Bophirima and Ngaka Modiri Molema 5. Process on to finalise WSDP and sec 78 process 6. Facilitate interaction between Municipalities and Sector departments to clear issues of unfunded mandates[Health,Arts and Culture,Roads] 6. Departments affected by the ‘Unfunded Mandates’ issue have responded[libraries, roads, health and agriculture projects]
Support and Intervention Required KPA 2: Basic Service Delivery Continued Support and Intervention Required Progress to Date 7. Ensure that municipalities are aware of Housing allocation over the MTEF 7. 39 000 units allocated over the MTEF; each of all the target municipalities aware of their allocation 8. Monitor the progress between municipalities and Eskom over non payments that may lead to possible electricity cuts 8. The Eskom matter resolved in line with SCOF directives for affected municipalities, a Provincial Electricity forum also in place to coordinate stakeholder relations 9. MIG under expenditure[Rustenburg, DRSM DM] 9. There are reasons namely delays in procurement, land disputes, EIA report [DACE] and land transfers; however an action plan with timeframes is in place to expediate expenditure .
Support and Intervention Required KPA 3: Local Economic Development Support and Intervention Required Progress to Date 1. Support the priority municipalities to develop credible LED plans 1. All target municipalities have LED plans except for Ditsobotla and RamotshereMoiloa; All have officers except RamotshereMoiloa 2. Facilitate coordination of LED stakeholders to mobilize resources 2. The municipalities have no funds to implement existing plans 3. Capacitation of councilors and officials on LED; R1.5 million required 3. DBSA and DFID in process of reviewing the plans so as to assist with finances were possible 4. Recruit and deploy economic and planning graduates to the priority municipalities to assist with LED planning and implementation 5. Ensure that category B and C LED plans are aligned and are also aligned to the PGDS Economic Pillar 6.Establish the purpose and sustainability of Development Agencies in Municipalities 4. DKKDM has an Agency that champions DGDS projects
Support and Intervention Required KPA 3: Local Economic Development Continued Support and Intervention Required Progress to Date 5. Ensure that category B and C LED plans are aligned and are also aligned to the PGDS Economic Pillar 5. All DM plans are aligned to PGDS;DRSMDM is assisting locals to review plans in partnership with DBSA; other DMs are championing the process[not easy due to lack of funds] 6.Establish the purpose and sustainability of Development Agencies in Municipalities A report on the purpose and sustainability of development agencies will be finalized and submitted by PT. KPA 4: Financial Viability and Management 1. Implement financial turnaround strategy for Ventersdorp and Ditsobotla municipalities(data cleansing, indigent registration, billing system, revenue enhancement, financial systems, debt collection, policy review, cash flow management etc) About R30 million required 1. Financial plans are being implemented[report on impact and revenue collection levels will be submitted PT]
Support and Intervention Required KPA 4: Financial Viability and Management Continued Support and Intervention Required Progress to Date 2. Recruit and deploy financial experts, PSP and YPs to 13 target municipalities 2. Provincial Shared service established in partnership with DPLG and DBSA to service all affected municipalities. Four financial experts, a PSP and 14 YPs to be deployed by end of October to the province 3. Develop and implement support program to address AG queries and improve future financial statements 3. A joint program [PT/DLGH] is in place and has been submitted to AG, section 131 reports 06/07 for 22 municipalities are done; outstanding are Mamusa, Ventersdorp and Kagisano 4. Facilitate the implementation of the property rates act in the priority municipalities. R69 million required. 4. All priority municipalities are to implement the MPRA in 2009;Total cost for target municipalities to implement MPRA is R43 047 608;MSIG allocation is R5 290m; short fall=R37 757 608m; Department to provide R1.5m for breach funding [request send to DBSA to assist with outstanding amount] 5. Verify the purpose and impact of Budgets for Special Programs and Projects in Mayor’s offices 5.Report on Budgets for Special Projects in Mayors offices to be finalised by end of August once the budget assessment process is finalized by PT
Support and Intervention Required KPA 5: Good Governance and Public Participation Support and Intervention Required Progress to Date 1. Provide hands-on assistance with ward committee establishment and functionality 1. MSIG allocation to support target municipality is R15 000 per ward 2. Provide ward committee training on planning, pms, governance etc. 2. A plan to utilize Vulindlela Academy[DBSA] for training is in progress. CDWs and Councillors are also included in the intended training. 3. Assist municipalities to develop communication strategies 3. The Communication Directorate is tasked to assist municipalities to develop Communication strategies. Work has started in Ventersdorp 4. Assess the extend and quality of support given by the DMs to local municipalities 4. The assistance offered by districts to locals is in line with section 88 of the Municipal Structures Act 117, 1998.
BUDGETS, EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS AND AFS OVERVIEW Municipal Budgets – Appropriations/Funding -Viability -Sustainability Debt Analysis – Provincial & National Depts. Grants Expenditure (MIG,FMG&MSIG) Status on Annual Reports & AFS MFMA Implementation & Challenges PT Support & Monitoring Systems Conclusion
TARGET MUNICS The municipalities that were visited by SCOF on 21st to 23rd May 2008 are the following: Dr. Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Naledi Local Municipality Kagisano Local Municipality Mamusa Local Municipality Lekwa-Teemane Local Municipality City of Rustenburg Local Municipality Moretele Local Municipality Kgetleng Reveir Local Municipality Ditsobotla Local Municipality Tswaing Local Municipality Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality Maquassi Hills Local Municipality Ventersdorp Local Municipality
Municipal Budget – App/Funding Name of the Municipality Appropriations Funding Capital Operating Total Own source External R' 000 Dr Ruth Mompati District Municipality 102,653 149,826 252,479 3,849 213,048 216,897 Naledi Local Municipality 101,698 147,787 Kagisano Local Municipalty 79,929 27,543 107,472 370 107,102 Molopo Local Municipality 9,395 7,322 16,717 5,884 9,188 15,072 Mamusa Local Municipality 57,244 54,999 112,243 38,976 73,267 Lekwa-Teemane Local Municipality 21,658 94,142 115,800 94,360 21,611 115,971 Greater Taung Local Municipality 25,201 57,665 82,866 22,898 59,968
Municipal Budget – App/Funding Name of the Municipality Appropriations Funding Capital Operating Total Own source External R' 000 Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality 230,131 195,452 425,583 425,584 Mafikeng Local Municipality 382,517 260,914 643,431 10,800 371,717 Ditsobotla Local Municipality 26,525 127,678 154,203 91,277 36,993 128,270 Tswaing Local Municipality 11,778 74,831 86,609 88,625 48,503 137,128 Ratlou Local Municipality 43,886 32,733 76,619 870 75,749 Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality 5,527 129,690 135,217 134,093
Municipal Budget – App/Funding Name of the Municipality Appropriations Funding Capital Operating Total Own source External R' 000 Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality 59,960 98,535 158,495 31,753 126,180 157,933 City of Tlokwe Local Municipality 132,495 434,809 567,304 390,376 44,442 434,818 City of Matlosana Local Municipality 167,150 1,096,338 1,263,488 920,772 342,722 1,263,494 Merafong Local Municipality 341,032 537,681 878,713 Maquassi Hills Local Municipality 113,747 112,648 226,395 92,856 133,539 Ventersdorp Local Municipality 17,938 73,665 91,603 48,408 43,472 91,880
Municipal Budget – App/Funding Name of the Municipality Appropriations Funding Capital Operating Total Own source External R' 000 Bojanala Platinum District Local Municipality 49,170 231,702 280,872 City of Rustenburg Local Municipality Madibeng Local Municipality 162,870 592,535 755,405 451,437 310,972 762,409 Moretele Local Municipality 273,424 121,572 394,996 36,612 363,529 400,141 Moses Kotane Local Municipality 163,667 222,257 385,924 92,885 293,128 386,013 Kgetleng Reveir Local Municipality 14,025 55,253 69,278 32,687 36,599 69,286
Debt Analysis Report As per the legislative mandate the Department of finance and Department of Developmental Local Government and Housing has conducted sessions to establish the debts owed to individual municipalities by sector department (national or provincial) and entities Consultation sessions with municipalities’ where held during the month of July 2008 Note. The individual municipalities provided the Departments with the status reports on debts owed by sector departments at the time.
DEBT ANALYSIS The PT analysed the debts owed by sector departments to municipalities and realised the following: Dr. Keneth Kaunda districts is R19, 678,088.27 Ngaka Modiri Molema district is R67, 111,339.05 Bojanala district is R61, 725,695.10 Dr. Ruth Mompati district is R9 840, 764.42 The total debt owed by sector departments to municipalities in the Province amounts to R 158, 355,886.84. The PT, DDLG & H has initiated forum that deals with municipal debts owed by sector departments to municipalities. The Need to have a list (database) of contact persons in the sector departments for regular engagements experienced with municipal accounts. The Sector Departments need to send proof of payments (with breakdown of which accounts are paid) to municipalities when payments are made or make arrangements to use a specific reference.
DR KENNETH KAUNDA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITIES Department City of Tlokwe Ventersdorp City of Matlosana Maquassi Hills Merafong City Total Public Works 22,232.29 339,116.40 2,724,695.90 1,246,148.72 1,401,394.95 5,733,588.26 Education: 1,720,819.84 264,452.73 2,123,545.44 115,287.63 1,633,134.92 5,857,240.56 Health 185,274.36 37,412.28 3,429,358.22 12,880.97 3,664,925.83 Roads & Transport 27,331.38 7,430.43 16,773.35 51,535.16 Agriculture 99.27 2,374.90 2,474.17 Home affairs 14.95 Justice 1,237.57 18,673.90 19,911.47 Defence 4,631.54 DWAF 19,266.50 SAPS 320.81 31,402.08 31,722.89 DOW 25,947.63 Labour 47.50 Community Dev Board 701,380.98 TPA 9,308.82 Social dev 2,703.13 18,939.08 21,642.21 Dr KK DM(envrn health) 3,534,449.80 TOTAL 2,708,604.62 703,069.34 11,838,418.87 1,393,465.57 3,034,529.87 19,678,088.27
NGAKA MODIRI MOLEMA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITIES Department Mafikeng Ramotshere Moiloa Ditsobotla Ratlou Tswaing Total DDLG & H 25,366,498.98 162,666.73 260,531.06 25,789,696.77 Health 4,647,638.59 21,834.72 624,820.38 5,294,293.69 Public works 25,226,878.91 691,836.45 3,231,011.66 29,149,727.02 Education 1,110,439.16 1,024,452.18 181,838.42 695,542.06 3,012,271.82 Roads & Transport 291,977.22 7,450.78 299,428.00 Social services - 451.00 31,594.01 32,045.01 Justice 60,469.00 50,940.85 111,409.85 Defence 1,660,719.67 23,738.17 1,684,457.84 Correctional services 109,218.97 150,320.14 259,539.11 SAPS 551,973.68 70,843.74 622,817.42 Traffic 42,300.29 DPW 26,365.02 Group twenty (military) 8,762.89 Signal hill dev 695,744.09 NWDC-Econ Development 82,480.23 TOTAL 57,055,962.62 4,412,481.89 4,410,080.45 194,260.74 1,038,553.35 67,111,339.05
BOJANALA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITIES Department Moses Kotane Kgetleng rivier Rustenburg Madibeng Total Public Works 255 572.94 566,811.70 1,345,083.06 5, 896,768.74 8,064,235.96 Education: Offices 237,167.33 8, 825,246.68 9,062,414.01 Education: Schools 4,104,083.72 1, 518,131.72 2,110,313.22 7,732,528.66 Health 2,117,627.60 9 108.95 290,828.41 247,293.98 2,664,858.94 Roads & Transport 1,281,040.57 3 909.01 16,773.35 1,301,722.93 Agriculture 122,898.42 721.09 47,992.27 171,611.78 Home affairs Justice 5267.17 18,673.90 16,207.41 40,148.48 Defence 15,058,083.42 7,844.42 15,065,927.84 Director General 443,103.40 SAPS 193,818.36 49 290.00 119,365.04 186,816.86 549,290.26 Forestry 1426.42 - 1,426.42 Tourism 8,263.41 8263.41 Premiers Office 36,221.23 DPLG 15,924,645.61 82,339.88 16, 006,985.49 Social dev 553,827.33 506.54 554, 333.87 Agricor 22,622.42 TOTAL 23, 398,181.95 2, 166, 646.37 20,369,540.92 15, 779,843.61 61,725,695.10
Dr. RUTH SEGOMOTSI MOMPATI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITIES Department Naledi LM Mamusa LM Greater Taung LM Lekwa Teemane LM: Christiana Total Public Works 2,223,306.12 865,055.02 4,230.00 3,092,591.84 6,180,995.28 Education: Offices 42,886.48 - 1,009,373.11 40,308.16 1,092,567.75 Education: Schools 547,527.64 250,608.50 1,097,462.97 1,895,599.11 Health 54,695.82 92,173.30 91,284,45 146,068.59 384,222.16 Agriculture 26,484.98 706.80 27,191.78 SAPS 199,002.20 61, 186.14 260,188.34 DPLG Social dev TOTAL 3,093,903.24 1,207,836.82 2,198,869.63 3,340,154.73 9,840,764.42
Recommend that: Municipalities to have details of contact persons in the sector departments for regular engagements with municipal accounts. Municipalities need to individually meet with each sector department to clarify issues of property ownership and occupants in order to have levies allocated to correct accounts that will in turn be sent to the right Departments. The Provincial Treasury and Developmental Local Government and Housing should facilitate further engage between sector departments and municipalities to resolve the matter.
SPENDING & PERFOMANCE ON MIG (2) (a) The receiving officer of a Municipal Infrastructure Grant must, by 29 August 2008, submit a detailed infrastructure plan to the transferring national officer for the next financial year and the 2010/11 financial year. (b) The infrastructure plan referred to in paragraph (a) must address those matters and be in a format determined by the transferring national officer with the concurrence of the National Treasury. Different matters and formats may be determined for different kinds municipalities, which may be defined either in relation to the capacity of the municipalities or any appropriate manner
NW MIG expenditure report Bojanala District Municipalities
NW MIG expenditure report Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipalities
NW MIG expenditure report Dr. Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipalities
NW MIG expenditure report Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District Municipalities
Expenditure status for 2007/08 FY as at 30 June 2008
District municipality under which municipality falls Annexure1: Municipalities – summary of financially unqualified (with no other matters), unqualified (with other matters), qualified audit opinions linked to audit findings and reasons for delay in completion of audit No. Municipality Province Capacity Catergory (M,DM,LM) District municipality under which municipality falls 1 None NW Financially unqualified (with other matter) Bojanala Platinum District Municipality High Capacity DM Bojanala Platinum DM 2 Bophirima District Municipality Medium Capacity Bophirima DM 3 Molopo Local Municipality Lox Capacity LM 4 Moses Kotane Local Municipality
Expenditure status for 2008/09 FY as at 30 June 2008
MIG expenditure until the end of September 2008 EXPENDITURE(Rollover) MUNICIPALITY 2008/09 ALLOCATION 07/08 UNDER EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE(Rollover) 2008/2009 EXPENDITURE % OF 07/08 UNDER EXPEND. SPENT % OF 08/09 08/09 BALANCE Moretele LM R49,662,808.82 R524,201.28 R8,939,845.81 100% 18% R40,722,963.01 Madibeng LM R96,228,023.22 R0.00 - R63,750,739.15 66% R32,477,284.07 Rustenburg LM R98,017,828.80 R56,541,644.79 R48,461,046.55 86% 0% Kgetleng River LM R8,523,662.94 R8,264,240.08 97% R259,422.86 Moses Kotane LM R59,391,358.44 R21,848,641.46 R1,678,815.26 3% R57,712,543.18 Bojanala Platinum DM TOTAL BOJANALA R311,823,682.22 R78,914,487.52 R70,833,889.29 R82,633,640.30 90% 27% R229,190,041.92
MIG expenditure until the end of September 2008 EXPENDITURE(Rollover) Continue MIG expenditure until the end of September 2008 MUNICIPALITY 2008/09 ALLOCATION 07/08 UNDER EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE(Rollover) 2008/2009 EXPENDITURE % OF 07/08 UNDER EXPEND. SPENT % OF 08/09 08/09 BALANCE Ratlou LM R9,400,436.28 R0.00 - R1,074,811.13 11% R8,325,625.15 Tswaing LM R11,123,686.86 R2,934,986.51 R578,485.17 100% 5% R10,545,201.69 Mafikeng LM R19,702,917.89 R10,182,174.02 52% R9,520,743.87 Ditsobotla LM R13,758,058.31 R9,575,842.30 70% R4,182,216.01 Ramotshere Moiloa LM R12,088,271.58 R1,980,103.72 16% R10,108,167.86 Ngaka Modiri Molema DM R98,325,059.51 R34,678,512.62 35% R63,646,546.89 TOTAL CDM R164,398,430.43 R58,069,928.96 R106,328,501.47
MIG expenditure until the end of September 2008 EXPENDITURE(Rollover) Continue MIG expenditure until the end of September 2008 MUNICIPALITY 2008/09 ALLOCATION 07/08 UNDER EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE(Rollover) 2008/2009 EXPENDITURE % OF 07/08 UNDER EXPEND. SPENT % OF 08/09 08/09 BALANCE Ventersdorp LM R10,575,168.74 R2,418,958.86 R2,482,744.39 100% 23% R8,092,424.35 Tlokwe LM R18,994,599.59 R0.00 R5,433,168.55 0% 29% R13,561,431.04 City of Matlosana LM R58,530,382.53 R31,447,494.55 R25,153,601.18 80% Maquassi Hills LM R15,556,956.77 R8,648,787.04 R11,551,645.24 74% R4,005,311.53 Merafong City LM R35,034,396.03 R2,919,494.40 R13,433,693.85 38% R21,600,702.18 Southern DM TOTAL SDM R138,691,503.65 R45,434,734.85 R39,140,841.48 R32,901,252.03 86% 24% R105,790,251.62 TOTAL NW PROVINCE R713,841,799.96 R182,530,331.50 R164,915,034.74 R192,753,844.93 90% 27% R521,087,955.03
MIG expenditure until the end of September 2008 EXPENDITURE(Rollover) Continue MIG expenditure until the end of September 2008 MUNICIPALITY 2008/09 ALLOCATION 07/08 UNDER EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE(Rollover) 2008/2009 EXPENDITURE % OF 07/08 UNDER EXPEND. SPENT % OF 08/09 08/09 BALANCE Kagisano LM R8,389,208.18 R1,407,328.89 R237,998.43 100% 3% R8,151,209.75 Naledi LM R5,790,481.08 R1,669,449.78 R16,327.43 0% R5,774,153.65 Mamusa LM R6,856,538.29 R1,965,344.92 R1,020,983.30 R0.00 52% Greater Taung LM R14,699,477.85 R6,624,813.71 R4,328,370.17 65% Molopo LM R3,546,547.11 Lekwa Teemane LM R6,487,565.15 R2,524,608.51 R373,966.36 6% R6,113,598.79 Dr Segomotsi Ruth Mompati DM R53,158,366.00 R41,054,576.81 R18,520,731.42 35% R34,637,634.58 TOTAL DR SEGOMOTSI RUTH MOMPATI DM R98,928,183.66 R55,246,122.62 R52,005,317.46 R19,149,023.64 94% 19% R79,779,160.02
Qualified Opinions / Disclaimers / Adverse No. Municipality Province Capacity Category (M,DM,LM) District municipality under which municipality falls Audit opinion 2006-07 Audit opinion 2005-06 1 Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality NW Low Capacity LM Bojanala Platinum DM Disclaimer disclaimer 2 Madibeng Local Municipality High Capacity Adverse 3 Moretele Local Municipality 4 Rustenburg Local Municipality 5 Greater Taung Local Municipality Medium Capacity Bophirima District Municipality 6 Lekwa-Teemane Local Municipality 7 Naledi Local Municipality 8 Ngaka Modiri Molema DM Ngaka Modiri Molema DM
Continue 9 Ditsobotla Local Municipality NW Low Capacity LM Ngaka Modiri Molema DM Disclaimer disclaimer 10 Mafikeng Local Municipality 11 Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality 12 Ratlou Local Municipality 13 Tswaing Local Municipality 14 Southern District Municipality Medium Capacity DM Southern DM 15 City of Matlosana High Capacity Adverse 16 Merafong Local Municipality Qualified 17 Tlokwe Local Municipality
Thank you.