DEHCR Update and ETH Discussion Ellen Hildebrand ETH Program Manager Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources
Division of Housing/Division of Energy Merger
DEHCR Supportive Housing Updates TBRA, PATH, and SOAR have been awarded. CDBG SOAR Pilot awards went to Dunn Co/WESTCAP, Oconto Co/NEWCAP, and La Crosse Co/Couleecap. The SSSG Application will be posted in mid-September. Be sure to clean up HMIS data. The SSSG funding formula uses shelter nights data from Sept. 1, 2014 – August 31, 2015. DEHCR anticipates prohibiting family separation, in line with current federal regulations. PATH Program Crisis Intervention Partners Training will be held September 9-10 in Green Bay. Information is available up front.
2015-2016 ETH Program Year ETH Requirements will be enforced. New Report Template – ETH Data Report. Monthly Reports will only be accepted in the ETH Data Report format. ETH Desk Guide and Monitoring Materials are being updated. Conflict of Interest process will be added. Changes aligning ESG and HPP requirements will be made.
Upcoming HPP Changes 24 CFR § 576.201 (c) (1) In order to meet the matching requirement, the matching contributions must meet all requirements that apply to the ESG funds provided by HUD, except for the expenditure limits in § 576.100. HPP is used as ESG match, so HPP funding must follow the same requirements as ESG. DEHCR materials specifying different income limits and requirements for HPP and ESG are being corrected, and will be effective mid-fall. ESG and HPP funded Homelessness Prevention programs will be required to use a 30% Income limit for eligibility purposes, as required by HUD. More information to come.
Rapid Re-Housing Income Limit HUD does not establish an ESG rapid re-housing income limit at program entry. HUD requires that participants earn less than 30% CMI at re-evaluation. DEHCR has required the following: Income below 30% CMI for ESG Income below 50% CMI for HPP DEHCR will establish ONE income limit for ETH Rapid Re-Housing going forward, but is seeking input as to where the limit should be set. Have grantees experienced issues with the current income limits?
General ETH Feedback What worked well for ETH grantees in the past? What hasn’t worked well for ETH grantees in the past? What program/reporting requirements are unclear and do you have any suggestions to improve clarity? How can the ETH Application process be improved?