To FYE… and Beyond Butte College
The following slides show which students were enrolling in FYE from 2011-12 through Fall 2016. A total of 8,429 students enrolled in FYE during this period. Who’s taking FYE?
Who’s taking FYE? Only white and female students were slightly under-represented in terms of enrollment. Not surprising since these groups typically don’t experience gaps in overall college success.
More importantly, how well are they doing? Overall Success Rate: 77.4%
More importantly, how well are they doing? FOSTER YOUTH -24.2% RETURNING STUDENTS -15.3% BLACK STUDENTS -10.4% MULTI-ETHNIC STUDENTS -9.0% PACIFIC ISLANDERS -8.7% NATIVE AMERICANS -8.3% VETERANS -4.8% OTHER/UNKNOWN GENDER -3.6% While the overall success rate for students taking FYE courses is VERY good, we still have gaps for: Gaps are identified for any group performing 3% or more below the average.
About 67% never enrolled in FYE
Students who successfully completed an FYE course were: Following the same two starting cohorts (11/12 and 12/13), Students who successfully completed an FYE course were:
More likely to achieve transfer readiness (p-value <0.0001) Transfer Readiness Rate of those who DID NOT complete FYE: 9% Transfer Readiness Rate of those who DID complete FYE: 32% 23%
More likely to complete an Associate Degree (p-value <0.0001) Degree Completion Rate of those who DID NOT complete FYE: 7% Degree Completion Rate of those who DID complete FYE: 23% 16%
More likely to complete a certificate (CA or CERT) (p-value 0.0229) Certificate Completion Rate of those who DID NOT complete FYE: 9% 2% Certificate Completion Rate of those who DID NOT complete FYE: 11%
14% More likely to achieve a completion outcome: Certificate, degree and/or transfer readiness! (p-value <0.0001) Overall Completion Rate of those who DID NOT complete FYE: 20% Overall Completion Rate of those who DID complete FYE: 34% 14%