Dean Deter James Huff James Rushford Sydney Fears Poppin’ Off… Dean Deter James Huff James Rushford Sydney Fears
Get to the Point Our device is ridiculously inefficient, but effective none the less. Designed to pop a balloon, the overall application of this project is up to the viewer. Whether to stimulate a party, deter intruders, or to plain waste time, it’s possibilities are limitless. Beginning with our free-falling weight, it lands on a mouse trap, setting off our series of dominos, thus providing the required force to propel our car, fully loaded with side air bags and top-loaded spear, it then punctures our balloon resulting in our desired affect.
K.I.S.S. Our theme for this project, shown above, is K.I.S.S. Standing for “Keep It Simple Stupid”. While initially collaborated on a grand scheme involving fire, explosions, and a few midgets. However we thought it better to utilize our resources and do something that lasted roughly 5 seconds. Given our simplistic design we were presented with negligible design issues.
Blah Blah Blah… SHOW ME THE MONEY! 1. Dropping the Weight : Potential Energy Conversion to Kinetic Energy 2. Mouse Trap Releasing : Potential Elastic Conversion 3. Domino Series: Potential Energy Conversion to Kinetic Energy 4. Car Rolling : Potential Energy Conversion to Kinetic Energy
Finish Strong In conclusion, there are multitudes of applications in the real world with the material we have learned over the semester. From conception, design, construction, testing, and calculations, we not only know how our device works, but why it works and that is the key to understanding Engineering.
Wrap it up We would like to thank the EF 151 Faculty and Staff, for their hard work. Also a debt of gratitude is in order to Patrick Dobbs. Without him we wouldn’t have as great an understanding of the material as we do now, and Rushford would be taking this course for the 4th time.
Ladies and Gentlemen