Have a wonderful and Blessed Christmas Season and Happy 2016! Friday December 18, 2015 Room 111 News Important dates: Next week’s Shine Student is Cham Monday 12/21: Christmas break begins Monday January 4th – Send those children back!!!! Friday 1/15: End of 2nd Quarter Monday 1/25: Art Show and Open House Saturday 1/30- SPX Family Dance! Save the Date!!! Important Information: There will not be a spelling test our first week back! Congratulations to the 1st and 2nd graders for doing such a great job for our Christmas Program. The singing and speaking parts were a joy! We made a stage and characters for the Nativity Story. Your child can help share the story of Christmas and the Holy Family with you by acting out the story. This will be a great way to keep the true meaning of the season! You will also find the Good News for Christmas and the 4th Sunday of Advent. I intentionally did not have the students do these in school. They look like a great project and fun activity to do as a family. Without saying too much……………..If there is a technical glitch in a Christmas surprise that you may receive from a certain first grader- just email me and I will email you a copy. Pretend you don’t know this until after the 25th!! If they can wait that long!!! There is no “official” homework log over Christmas break, but please read and practice math facts at least a few times! It’s so easy for kids to lose new skills even with just a two week break. This week we’ve been working on: Ways to subtract States of matter and sorting properties Opinion writing and rewrite Advent and the Christmas Story Have a wonderful and Blessed Christmas Season and Happy 2016!