Course Evaluation Results & Growth Graph Updates Magda Narozniak, Program Coordinator Office of Early College Programs
2015-2016 Numbers Registered 10,764 students (19,267 registrations) 1,249 course sections = 67,214 credits About 1,300 instructors (229 Applications in 2016) Certified instructors in 193 high schools and actively teaching courses at 179 high schools
New Program Datasheet! Philosophy of Program Quick Numbers Program Growth Pass rate
Dual Majors Supporting SSS Admissions GPAs compared Honors Graduation rate
28 64 Courses Departments Diversity of Courses Newest Courses CHIN3210: Chinese Composition and Conversation 1 FREN3250: Global Culture (replacing FREN3267)
High School Growth Graph Actual student count at your school Actual course count at your school We don’t just use the program average because program size varies widely! Comparisons are made to your partners in the same county, DRG and of a similar size to you. Compared with…. County Average DRG Average School Size Average
Mean & Median student numbers are provided – you decide what’s best for you to use!
Fall Course Evals Consistently positive results! Correct email important One caution: careful with different grading Consistently the lowest satisfaction – 10% disagreed
2015 Results Compared 96% would recommend UConn ECE courses to current high school students. 79% said the courses were at least as challenging as courses at their current college. 99% continued their education beyond high school. 79% attempted to transfer their credit 82% were able to transfer some or all of their credit.
Alumni report a 89% transfer success rate Credit transfer Surveys of alumni 1-year and 4-years out of the program Cohort Transfer Success Net Response Rate Surveys Collected 1-Year Out 2010-2011 87% 11% 981 2011-2012 94% 5% 419 2012-2013 82% 9% 747 2013-2014 89% 10% 886 4-Years Out 2007-2008 30% 184 2008-2009 90% 13% 605 2009-2010 N/A Alumni report a 89% transfer success rate
Credit transfer Based on the results of the institutional survey, the In-Depth Alumni Survey, the 1-Year Out and 4-Years Out surveys (since 2013), we estimate that the credit transfer success rate of UConn ECE credits is 87%
Credit transfer Database Major Update Planned! Found at:
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