Assistant Staff Director Office of Contracted Client Services Walter Sachs Assistant Staff Director Office of Contracted Client Services (850) 921-8983
Performance Measurement Service Contracts Strategic Planning Performance-Based Budgeting Logic Models Performance Contracting Meaningful and Desirable Results
Strategic Planning Long-Range Program Planning achieve State goals interagency planning process integrated program service outcomes 5 fiscal years framework for the agency budget Consistent with Performance Measures and Standards
Performance-Based Budgeting Agencies identify demand, output, total costs, and unit costs for each function must clearly demonstrate the needs of agency customers and clients why the agency is proposing functions how agency functions are integrated and contribute to the overall achievement of state goals
Logic Models Ultimate outcomes, strategies, outputs, inputs What is the objective of the program? What strategies or intermediate outcomes will get to the ultimate goal? What processes or outputs are needed to implement strategies? What resources or inputs are needed to make or buy the processes or outputs?
Performance Contracting Performance Measures Setting Standards Definitions Evaluation Methodology Incentives and Penalties Monitoring Compliance v. Evaluating Performance
Cost Audits Financial Accountability strong budget review during contract negotiations service provider submits expenditure reports routinely variances and atypical spending is diagnosed results used to negotiate continuation contracts
Meaningful and Desirable Results Did the project achieve its stated objectives? What other effects (good or bad) did the project have? What were the project's costs (financial, political, social)?