Environmental Aspects & Impacts Orion
Definitions Environment Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts Surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water , land , natural resources flora, fauna, humans and their interrelations. Environmental Aspects Element of an organization’s activities , products or services that can interact with the environment. Environmental Impacts Any change to the environment , whether adverse or beneficial , wholly or partially resulting from an organization's activities, products or services
Impacts The elements, which are exposed to these risks / impacts , are Material Equipments
Impacts More specifically the Impacts to these elements are further broken down into the followings: Material : Resource Depletion (RD) Resource Wastage (RW) Environment : Air Pollution (AP) Water Pollution (WP) Land Contamination (LC) Noise Pollution (NP) Fire Hazard (FH) ISO 14001
Resource Depletion Input Materials Energy Electricity Fuels Liquid fuel Solid fuel Water
Air Pollution Controlled Emission Fugitive Emissions Emissions from stacks Emissions from automobiles Fugitive Emissions Storage locations Materials transport Materials handling Vehicular movements
Water Pollution Storm water Discharges Process Discharges Vehicle/equipment/floor cleaning Laboratory discharges Spillage/leaks Process Discharges Liquid contaminants Solid contaminants
Land Contamination Process Discharges Leakage / Spillage liquid solid storage Transportation Littered material
Noise Pollution Continuous Noise Impact Noise
Noise Pollution All the activities that are carried out in an organization may not have any aspect that interacts with Environment Example : Coordination with HR Meetings Marketing of products
Impacts All the aspects of an activity do not interact with Environment. Hence identify only those aspects which have either beneficial or adverse impact on Environment.
Inventory of Activities Prepare an inventory of all activities in an Organization Pay, due consideration to Activities carried out in respective areas of operation Activities carried out by sub-contracted personnel Other activities over which organization have indirect control A single activity may have multiple aspects Example : Planning, production, maintenance, dispatch, transportation of final product from the plant to the customer etc.
Operating Conditions These impacts/risks may be different under different operating conditions. Hence aspect identification needs to take into consideration all the following conditions: Normal Operating Condition Abnormal Operating Condition Emergency Operating Condition
Operating Conditions Normal Conditions Abnormal Conditions Those conditions which exist as a result of routine operations according to normal operating procedures. Abnormal Conditions Those conditions which exist as a result of non-routine operations including start-up and shut-down conditions. Emergency Conditions Incidents, accidents and potential emergency situations like fire, traffic accident, explosion, flood and malicious damage.
Examples Activity, it's Aspects & their Impacts / Risks Activity Aspects Impacts Condition Stacking of 1. Dust loading in the Air Pollution Normal Raw Material atmosphere due to greater fall heights Stacking/Storage 1. Oil spills on Resource Wastage Normal of waste oil/grease ground due to filled drums improper handling & stacking 2. Oil spills on Land Normal ground due to Contamination improper handling Cleaning of 1. Dust loading in Air Pollution Abnormal Cyclone jam atmosphere
Rating Scale for Register of Aspects-Impact & Occupational Health & Safety Risk
P-E-M-E is broken down into Material : Resource Depletion (RD) Resource Wastage (RW) Environment : Air Pollution (AP) Water Pollution (WP) Land Contamination (LC) Noise Pollution (NP) Radiation Pollution (RP) Thermal Pollution (TP)
ISO 14001 : 1999 Air Pollution Water Pollution Land Contamination Noise Pollution Resource Wastage Resource Depletion Thermal Pollution Radiation Pollution
Rating Scale Legislation Severity Frequency of Occurrence Control Detection
Rating Scale Legislation Y = Meeting Legislation N = Not Meeting Legislation NA= Legislation not applicable
Rating Scale Severity 3 2 1 Suitable Explanation for OH, OS, ED & PD
Rating Scale Frequency of occurance 3 2 1 Suitable Explanation for OH, OS, ED & PD
Rating Scale Control 3 = Absence of Effective Control 2 = Mechanism in place but Not Reliable 1 = Available and Effective
Rating Scale Total (F) = B*C*D*E B = Severity C = Frequency of Occurrence D = Control E = Detection
Identification & Prioritization Control Inventory of Activities Activities with Impact / Risk Significant Activities Operational Control EMP/ OHSMP
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