Bridge Facts The Basics Bridge Replacement Budget Process Current WSDOT Facts for the East Trent Bridge East Trent Bridge Replacement Timeline Planning for a Monumental Bridge
The Basics Two separate bridges/two separate owners: City of Spokane and Washington State (WSDOT). Early 1900s bridges (poured concrete) vs. current bridges (cast concrete/reinforced). Historic bridges were designed using the technology, materials, and funding available at that time. Current bridge design is influenced by new safety standards, new technology, construction costs, and competitive funding. State bridges are assessed for condition and considered for replacement by WSDOT. Bridge types: arch, beam, cable-stayed, cantilever, suspension, truss.
Bridge Replacement Budget Process Once a state bridge is determined to be replaced, WSDOT staff develops a replacement budget and submits it for funding consideration to the WSDOT director. The department budget request is submitted to the state legislature every two years for approval during their legislative budget development process. Your local state legislators review the budget for consideration. Your elected officials can either agree with the budgeted amount to replace the bridge or lobby for additional funds to consider replacing the bridge with a monumental design.
Current WSDOT Facts Why is WSDOT replacing the East Trent Bridge? This structure has been in service since 1910 and is well beyond its useful life. 1998 is the reported life expectancy. Historic significance rating: 6 of 10. The End Result: The project replaces the existing bridge with a new structure; based on a budget for a standard highway design. Project Benefits: The new structure will meet all current design and safety standards. Timeline Design work is underway: The project is expected to be advertised for construction bids in fall 2018 with work starting in 2019.
East Trent Bridge Replacement Timeline Budget: 19,860,000; budget approved by the State Legislature in June 2015 Project definition developed: 4th Quarter 2015 Engineering start: 4th Quarter 2015 Environmental complete: 4th Quarter 2017 Mitigation timeline: final draft May 1; signed May 31, 2018 Design complete: 3rd Quarter 2018 Advertise contract: 3rd Quarter 2018 Goes to bid: fall 2018 Construction begins: 2019 Operationally complete: 4th Quarter 2020
Planning for a Monumental Bridge Obtain a list of local bridges from the City of Spokane and WSDOT. To include: construction date, a description/summary, historic significance ranking, identify if a date has been established for replacement, a historic photograph(s) if available, and a current photograph for each bridge. Spokane Historic Preservation Office will develop and maintain a Spokane City/County bridge website. Benefits: public awareness, future preservation planning. Identify bridges for replacement and life expectancy dates. Identify funding proposal dates. Lobby local and/or state legislators to advocate for funding for a monumental bridge design.