Machine Learning Vulnerable Patient Project A Focus Group Meeting on Developing an Artificial Intelligence-based Forecast System for Prediction of Heart Attacks within 12 Months A Satellite Event in Conjunction with 2016 Annual Scientific Sessions of American Heart Association Morteza Naghavi, M.D. Founder and Executive Chairman of SHAPE Task Force
Naghavi et. al. Circulation Journal Vol108, No14; October 7, 2003 The Vulnerable Patient Consensus Statement Preceding the SHAPE Initiative Leading cardiac physicians and researchers who called for a change in the status quo Naghavi et. al. Circulation Journal Vol108, No14; October 7, 2003
Naghavi et. al. Circulation Journal Vol108, No14; October 7, 2003 The Vulnerable Patient Consensus Statement Preceding the SHAPE Initiative Leading cardiac physicians and researchers who called for a change in the status quo Naghavi et. al. Circulation Journal Vol108, No14; October 7, 2003
SHAPE Task Force Meeting
SHAPE Guidelines Published SHAPE guideline published in 2006
SHAPE Guidelines Published
Chart summarizes the details of SHAPE guidelines for cardiologists 1: No history of angina, heart attack, stroke, or peripheral arterial disease. 2: Population over age 75y is considered high risk and must receive therapy without testing for atherosclerosis. 3: Must not have any of the following: Chol>200 mg/dl, blood pressure >120/80 mmHg, diabetes, smoking, family history, metabolic syndrome. 4: Pending the development of standard practice guidelines. 5: High cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, family history, metabolic syndrome. 6: For stroke prevention, follow existing guidelines.
Some of the Members of the SHAPE Task Force (left to right): Drs Budoff, Falk, Rumberger, Naghavi, Fayad, Hecht, and Berman
Machine vs. Cardiologist
Machine vs. Cardiologist
Dr. Ruster