Spring Semester 2013 -- Ms. Beggs Honors Biology
Bellringer Social Norm: Group-held beliefs about how members should behave in a given context. What are some social norms for the following settings? Wedding Football Game
Bellringer Social Norm: Group-held beliefs about how members should behave in a given context. Write a list of classroom norms you expect to be in this classroom. Consider norms for: -Lecture (note-taking) -Group Work -Labs Science Class
Topics to be covered this semester… Genetics Evolution Classification of Organisms Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis Plants Ecology Human Impacts Human Body Systems
Expectations: Starting Class Homework is due at the beginning of the hour: NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED When the bell rings you must be in your seat, quiet, and ready to start the day! -If you aren’t ready, you will be marked tardy. Write homework and announcements in your agenda ASAP.
Expectations: During Class Participation Points = 45% of total grade Participate: to share in something; to become actively involved I expect you to actively be involved in this class everyday. What are some ways you can be involved in class? 1.) 2.) 3.)
Expectations: During Class Backpacks are stored underneath the lab tables. Why? Actively listening during instructions and lecture. Voice level kept at an “indoor” level. Be respectful to your peers. Lecture Hall at Notre Dame
Expectations: Ending Class All materials returned to where you found them. Trash picked up. Lab tables wiped down with Windex 2-minutes before the end of class. Class work/exit tickets turned in
Accountability Only you can control you behavior and work ethic that you bring to class. Part of being a part of a working community is being accountable. If you cannot act appropriately, than you will have to face the consequences. Consequences (include, but are not limited to) 5 participation point deduction/class disruption Conference with student and teacher Conference with parent/guardian Detention Suspension
Reflections Write semester goal on Agenda Review Final Exam Was your final exam grade a reflection of your best effort? Was your semester grade a reflection of your best effort? Review Bellringer Read your bellringer about your study habits. Is there anything you think you should change or modify to help you obtain the grade you want in this class? Write your semester goal & steps you need to take to reach this goal on your agenda sheet.
Exit Ticket Read your bellringer from a few weeks ago… On the same piece of paper (can be on the back) write: One thing you think you did well last semester in this class. One thing you think you could improve upon this semester.