Welcome to Mr. McElroy’s English 10 Class! Back to School Night Welcome to Mr. McElroy’s English 10 Class!
English 10 English 10 is a year-long course focused on helping students master the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Grade 10 in English/Language Arts. The CCSS aims to help students develop college and career readiness skills in reading literature, reading informational text, writing, speaking and listening, and language. Since the CCSS includes standards for using technology in English, there will be a heavy emphasis on using technology to publish information dynamically for the 21st century.
New Curriculum During this school year, the English department has been tasked with deciding the curriculum for our courses for future years. To accomplish this, we will be spending some time working out of two different curricula: Springboard (which our middle schools already use) and Perspectives. We will use each of the two curricula for about 8 weeks. Both are based on current Common Core Standards.
Grading Categories Grades will be based on a combination of classwork, homework, assessments, and participation. Assessments may include any/all of the following: Participation Points (15%) Essays/Projects (25%) Tests/Quizzes (25%) Classwork (25%) Final (10%) Final marks will be calculated on a standard scale A 100-90% B 89-80% C 79-70% D 69-60% F 59-0%
Late Work Policy Incomplete late work will not be accepted. If it is not worth your time to complete it, it is not worth my time to grade it! Late work comes with an automatic deduction of points at a rate of 5% of the total value of the assignment PER DAY. Example: If an assignment is worth 100 points and is turned in one day late, the most you could earn on that assignment is 95 points. Note: You can still earn less than 95% if the assignment is incorrectly done or not up to my expected standards as noted in the original assignment. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED MORE THAN 10 DAYS AFTER ITS ORIGINAL DUE DATE! If the assignment is a Google document or other google work (forms, slides, etc.), submit the work. I will see that it is late because of the timestamp. You MUST email me to inform me that you have turned a Google assignment in late. Once I have completed grading of an assignment for the class, I do not go back looking for late turn-ins UNLESS I receive an email.
Academic Dishonesty Policy Plagiarism: The adoption or reproduction of original creations of another author (person, collective, organization, community or other type of author, including anonymous authors) without due acknowledgment. *I do not tolerate academic dishonesty. It can, and will, result in a ZERO on the assignment/paper (this grade can not be reclaimed). It may also result in a disciplinary referral. If a student is tempted to be academically dishonest because the student does not understand something, I want the student to please come talk to me before or after school. Sometimes all the student needs is a different way of explaining.
Remind App The instructions for signing up/logging in to REMIND from a SMARTPHONE are as follows: 1- Open a web browser on your phone. 2- Enter the address specific to your child’s class period. 3- Follow the instructions The instructions for signing up/logging in to REMIND if you do not have a smartphone are as follows: 1- Send a text to the number 81010 2- The content of the text should be the class code specific to your child’s class period
Remind App 1 rmd.at/d8e8kc d8e8kc 3 rmd.at/936dgg 936dgg Period Web Browser Code Text Code 1 rmd.at/d8e8kc d8e8kc 3 rmd.at/936dgg 936dgg 4 rmd.at/44e2h9 44e2h9 5 rmd.at/b3kfea b3kfea 6 rmd.at/3g9k679 3g9k679
Contact Information Email: jmcelroy@Turlock.k12.ca.us Phone: Extension 3511 Please do not call during class time. In an emergency, contact the office. Website: www.mrmcelroysclass.weebly.com