Science Higher/National 5
What We Do Develop and apply knowledge and understanding and problem solving skills. Develop scientific enquiry and investigation, and analytical thinking skills. Develop planning skills. Understand the role of the sciences in society and on the environment. Develop independent learning skills.
How We Do This Use appropriate methodologies including active learning approaches. Give feedback on progress to identify areas for development. Give every pupil given opportunities to achieve.
Qualities for Success Determination to succeed and focus. Take responsibility for learning. Planning to meet deadlines. Listen to and act on advice. Access support in school.
Course Structure - Biology Higher National 5 3 Units DNA and the Genome Metabolism and Survival Sustainability and Interdependence Assignment 3 Units Multicellular Organisms Life on Earth Cell Biology Assignment
Course Structure - Chemistry Higher National 5 4 Units Chemical Changes and structure Natures Chemistry Chemistry in Society Researching Chemistry. Assignment 3 Units Natures Chemistry Chemical Changes and Structure Chemistry in Society. Assignment
Course Structure - Physics Higher National 5 4 Units Our Dynamic Universe Particles and Waves Electricity Researching Physics. Assignment 3 Units Dynamics and Space Electricity and Properties of matter. Waves and Radiation. Assignment
Internal Assessment Unit assessment for each unit (UASP). Outcome 1 – Practical write -up
Final Exam Paper – 2 ½ hours Assignment– (8 hours) Carried out and written up under exam conditions in school but externally marked.
November/January Prelim Cut Off Points: 50% + - Pass 45 - 49% - Near miss (D) 40 – 44% 35 – 39% Recommend 2-year/withdraw 34% or less.
Your Role Be supportive Ask about learning and progress Watch for signs of stress Access support in school Tutors Work with us