RL03 Reading Standard Analyze how complex characters (those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot and develop theme.
What is characterization? How a character’s personality is revealed in a story.
What is direct Characterization? Telling the reader directly what the character is like
How is Indirect characterization revealed? 1. What the character says 2. How the character looks and dresses 3. How the character acts What other characters say or think about the character Relationships with others
What are different character types? Static—a character who does not change much in the course of the story-often, a stereotype. Dynamic—a character who changes as a result of the story’s events. Round—has many different character traits which sometimes contradict one another Flat—one or two traits; often a stereotype
How do complex characters affect the story’s plot and theme? By their development throughout the story By their interactions with other characters