Make a fist with your thumb out. Aa Make a fist with your thumb out.
Hand open with fingers together and thumb bent.
Cc Curl fingers and thumb.
Hold index finger up and bend rest to touch thumb. Dd Hold index finger up and bend rest to touch thumb.
Bend fingers to touch side of thumb. Ee Bend fingers to touch side of thumb.
Bend index finger to thumb while others are straight. Ff Bend index finger to thumb while others are straight.
Gg Index finger and thumb together while other fingers are bent and move hand to side.
Hh Index and middle finger straight while other fingers and thumb are bent and move hand to side.
Pinkie finger straight up while other fingers and thumb are bent. Ii Pinkie finger straight up while other fingers and thumb are bent.
Make the “I” sign and move hand to make a hook. Jj Make the “I” sign and move hand to make a hook.
Kk Index and middle finger straight up with thumb in front while other fingers are bent.
Index finger and thumb straight out with other fingers bent. Ll Index finger and thumb straight out with other fingers bent.
Make a fist with index, middle, and ring fingers bent over thumb. Mm Make a fist with index, middle, and ring fingers bent over thumb.
Make a fist with Index and middle fingers over thumb. Nn Make a fist with Index and middle fingers over thumb.
Ññ Same as “n” but move your wrist back and forth
Curl fingers over touching index finger to thumb. Oo Curl fingers over touching index finger to thumb.
Make the letter “K” then turn hand down and split fingers. Pp Make the letter “K” then turn hand down and split fingers.
Qq Index finger and thumb straight out but apart then turn hand upside down.
Index finger crossing over middle finger. Rr Index finger crossing over middle finger.
Make a fist with thumb over top of the fist. Ss Make a fist with thumb over top of the fist.
Make a fist with thumb under index finger. Tt Make a fist with thumb under index finger.
Index an middle finger straight up together. Uu Index an middle finger straight up together.
Index and middle finger straight up spread apart. Vv Index and middle finger straight up spread apart.
Index, middle, and ring fingers straight up and all spread apart. Ww Index, middle, and ring fingers straight up and all spread apart.
Xx Index finger curled.
Yy Index, middle, and ring fingers bent over while thumb and pinkie are straight.
With index finger draw a “Z.” Zz With index finger draw a “Z.”