Effective Pathway Planning Workshop for NNECL conference Delivered by Alice Frank & Lisa Saxby Catch22 11 - 11:10 House keeping Loos Fire Phones
Catch22 Is a forward-looking social business with more than 200 years experience of providing services that help people turn their lives around. Catch22 works with troubled and vulnerable people, helping them to steer clear of crime or substance misuse, do the best they can in education or employment, and play a full part in their family or community. Our goal is to deliver social value by turning chaotic lives around. Catch22 oversees the operation of the NLCBF
National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum Membership of 85 local authority leaving care services 3 residential managers benchmarking forums a year 3 thematic training events focused specifically on issues effecting care leavers Access to extensive web based resource library Members on line benchmarking and query service Active young peoples forum
Pathway planning? 11:10 - 11:20 1-2 words from each delegate about their experience or understanding of pathway planning Write up on flip chart
11:20 - 11:30 Ice breaker. In pairs Name, role Why have you come to this conference How far did you travel
Pathway planning – your experience Find a new partner What does pathway planning mean to you? Ask first question
Statutory framework Children Act 1989: “A plan setting out the advice, assistance and support which the local authority intend to provide a child … both while they are looking after him and later; and when they might cease to look after him” 11:30 Introduced 16 years ago Different to LAC reviews YP led YP views and aspirations key – it’s very much their journey Working tool informing everyone’s actions Record of journey
Statutory framework Eligible, relevant and formerly relevant young people require pathway plans. Planning starts at 16 and continues every 6 months until young people reach 21 or finish their higher education Pathway plans should be updated within 28 days of any move or whenever requested by the young person, Local Authority or Personal Advisor Care leavers must have a named Personal Advisor from 16 Eligible children in F/C up to 18 Formerly relevant YP in staying put post 18 Formerly relevant in education Staying put 21+
What Ofsted look for Is the pathway plan in place and has it been reviewed in timescales? Are pathway plans sufficiently detailed, is there too much focus on “short term goals”? Do the pathway plans identify who is responsible for delivering each task, and when the task should be completed? How well do plans reflect the views of young people? What services are in place to support young people develop their skills for independence whilst in care? Is the plan a good record of the young persons journey into independence?
What young people say Quotes from young people in residential setting Hear from Victoria later 11:40
How it works 12
The detail Aspirations Where would the young person like to be in 1 or 2 years? Accommodation? Working, college? Relationships? Tasks to be completed in this pathway plan to help move towards goals, aspirations Tasks should be practical, achievable, clearly identified Who is responsible should be clearly recorded and time scales set Young people will take on more responsibility as they mature At next review tasks are reviewed in line with aspiration (which may well have changed!)
Being SMART Specific & clear Measurable (or verifiable) Achievable & realistic Related to the assessment of need and the overall concerns Time-related (i.e. within what time-scale) Finish 12:10
Over to you In groups complete the EET section of the pathway plan Share your highlighted tasks with the room In 4 groups 16 years post GCSE 17 planning for uni 18 first year at uni 20 planning for post uni
Any questions