Writing a Lab Report The heading should include your name, the date data was collected, and a title Your report is a document that should be detailed yet concise, so that another person can quickly set up and repeat the lab you are reporting on.
Writing a Lab Report The correct sequence for your lab should be as follows: Type should be 12 font, using Times New Roman or other suitable font style. Using the header function write your name and the date m/d/y. In the footer section write your period and Environmental Science and select a page numbering option. At the top center of the document write the title of the lab. Background information should be included and explain any research done on the topic before carrying out the lab Under the title you should state your hypothesis. Make sure your hypothesis is a statement that can be proven or disproved. List of Materials, which should state all materials used and the quantity of each item. This should be written as a bulleted list. Be sure to include quantities if multiples of anything are used
Writing a Lab Report – procedures Procedures should give a detailed explanation of what you did in the lab. It should be written in a passive tense. Do not use words such as: “I”, “we”, “them”, etc. Procedures must be written in a bulleted format. Shorten long procedures or break them in to two or three so they may be easily understood. Ensure that all materials and techniques used are involved however keep your procedures concise by eliminating information that you consider unnecessary. Remember, someone unfamiliar with the lab should be able to carry it out by what you write in this section
Writing a Lab Report Observations and Data should include anything that you observed quantitatively (you counted or measured with an instrument) or qualitatively (simply detected with your senses). Observations will most likely be a paragraph where you explain qualitative information that you gathered in the field that is important to the procedure. Data must be in a table form
Writing a Lab Report Conclusions should answer the questions posed in the lab. If the experiment did not work well, discuss reasons why and perhaps suggested method of improving the lab. There is ALWAYS a way to improve Finally, proof-read all your work. I highly suggest that you have a second party also read your work. I would be happy to proof read your lab if you bring it in after school.