Cosmological Argument Essay planning Use the key ideas to plan the following essays
Aquinas - introduction A posteriori Inductive Plato and Aristotle Aquinas - introduction Leibniz – ‘Principle of sufficient reason’ Aquinas’s first way – First mover Aquinas’ second way First cause Aquinas’ third way and Copleson Contingency and necessity Kalam – William Lane Craig – rejects actual infinity using the library example Kalam – Ed Miller – world exists but can’t cause itself or be part of an infinity series so must be caused by something uncaused. Also, all contingent things have the cause, the universe is contingent so the universe has a cause. David Hume – fallacy of composition, no experience, cause not God Immanuel Kant – God beyond human sense experience and understanding, can’t apply cause and effect beyond sense exprience Bertrand Russell – a being can’t be necessary, Quantum Mechanics, Fallacy of Composition, Brute fact The Big Bang theory – start of the universe was random action of quantum particles – not God Steady State theory – no first cause, the universe has always been in existence Anthony Kenny - used Newton’s First Law of Motion to wreck the first way – animals can move themselves and don’t need a mover
Questions Examine how the Cosmological Argument attempts to prove God Examine the following ideas in the cosmological argument: first cause, motion, contingency, and sufficient reason Examine the arguments against the cosmological argument for the existence of God. Examine the contributions to the cosmological argument made by Aquinas, Craig and Miller, and Leibniz. Examine the Cosmological Argument for the existence of God