NSDS Contributions 2016-17 www.statcan.gc.ca Telling Canada’s story in numbers ICCSMD Statistics Canada March 20th, 2017
STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA NSDS GUIDELINES NSDS Guidelines have been used by nearly 100 developing countries since 2004 Guidelines are updated on an annual basis by the NSDS Guidelines Reference Group Why Annual Updates? Share Good Practices Adapt to Changing Context Respond to specific situations Flexibility Relevance of tools and subject matter In February 2017, the reference group finalized version 2.3 of the NSDS Guidelines PARIS21 developed the first NSDS Guidelines in 2004. Based upon a decade of experience in almost one hundred countries, the NSDS guidelines have been revisited in order to enhance and adapt the tool based on assessments made and the views of users and producers within the changing development context. On 2 April 2014, the NSDS guidelines 2.0 were officially launched at the PARIS21 Annual Meetings. (From Paris21.org) Since then, the NSDS Guidelines are updated on an annual basis, based on experience and feedback from users in all continents, changes in the international agenda, and new approaches and innovations developed by practitioners, with the aim to create a living document that is updated on a continuous basis to keep abreast with the changing global, regional and national environment. To answer this evolving context, and in order to monitor the evolution of the NSDS Guidelines in an efficient and structured manner, the PARIS21 Secretariat has established an NSDS Guidelines Reference Group with experts from countries and organisations from all regions. The updates approved by the Reference Group are included in the website each year in April. The structure of the NSDS was initially quite theoretical. With increased use of the guidelines, the Reference Group is able to update the theory using concrete examples and proven best practices. The Statistical environment is constantly evolving, with new norms and standards being adopted internationally. These must be absorbed within the NSDS Guidelines for them to remain relevant. NSDS Guidelines cannot be a one-size-fits-all initiative as the capacity, resources and expertise available to NSOs and NSSs can range significantly between countries. The NSDS Guidelines must be both adaptive and reactive to the diverse needs of developing countries, to best serve in development, and to standardize practices wherever relevant. This February, the NSDS Guidelines Reference Group finalized version 2.3 of the NSDS Guidelines STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/11/2018
NSDS Guidelines Version 2.3 February 2017 NSDS Reference Group Meeting - 3rd update of the NSDS Guidelines 2.0 since 2014, “NSDS Guidelines 2.3”. New Chapters on “Key Emerging issues for NSDSs”, and on “Data Dissemination” have been added Chapters on Subnational Statistics, Small Island Developing States, the Advanced Data Planning Tool (ADAPT), the Data Revolution, the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, and Open Data have been updated. Tools and Best Practices have been added (recent NSDS documents, roadmaps and evaluations, as well as examples of statistical strategies in education and health) STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/11/2018
STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA NSDS Guidelines 2.3 The 9 chapters modified/added in Version 2.3: 1. Key emerging issues for NSDSs 2. NSDS Guidelines update process and the Guidelines 2.3 3. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) 4. Subnational Strategies for the Development of Statistics 5. The Advanced Data Planning Tool (ADAPT) 6. The 2030 Agenda 7. Open Data 8. Data Revolution 9. Data Dissemination Production – sustainable production of SDG indicators, costing process that takes SDG reporting into account, partnerships with non-traditional data producers, regional and subnational production strategies; Dissemination and Use – New IT tools for timely dissemination and visualization of data, foster stakeholder relationships, opening data access via secure platforms; Other – promote innovation, data literacy and new skills Annual Updates – as mentioned in previous slides – to maintain relevance of the NSDS and guidelines SIDS – Updated the NSDS Guidelines to accommodate the unique context and needs of Small Island states – isolation, vulnerability to shocks, relative resource scarcity – included concrete examples and best practices Subnational Strategies – areas within the country (provinces, states, etc.) forming part of the NSS – NSDS must accommodate shared roles in data collection, compilation and custodianship ADAPT – completing country pilot and development of free online version of the tool, including 2 modules (National Development Plan and Statistical Development) UN Agenda 2030 – Sustainable Development Goals – Will put high demands on NSS therefore adapted NSDS Guidelines to accommodate SDG Indicator framework National statistical systems are part of central government and the move to promote open statistical data is part of a broader process to make governments generally more transparent, efficient, and democratic and to foster innovation and growth. Delivering the right data to the right people in the right format at the right time - emphasis on the fact that the data revolution should increase the use and impact of data on outcomes For the purpose of planning the NSDS, dissemination should be considered the ultimate objective of a statistical system within the context of an integrated development plan. With greater potential for access to data, there are two aspects that should be reflected in an NSDS: official dissemination and dissemination-at-large STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/11/2018