Structures: Comparison and/or Contrast ENGL 1301 Dr. R. Ramos Revised 10/29/2014
Overview DEFINITION THESIS Comparison and/or Contrast answers the question “What are the similarities and/or the differences between two related persons, places, things, or ideas?” It explains two persons, places, things, or ideas (Subject A and Subject B) by showing how similar (comparison) and/or how different (contrast) they are in three or more shared categories (Points). THESIS In a Comparison and/or Contrast essay, thesis = TWO subjects + overall opinion of those subjects in relation to each other + in at least THREE points.
The T-graph: a Double List Subject 1 Subject 2 Point A Point B Point C Prewriting for Points The T-graph: a Double List Subject 1 Subject 2 Point A Point B Point C
Body Paragraph Structure Point-by-Point: Each body paragraph or section = Each Point, shared by both Subjects. Intro: Thesis I. Point A: Subject 1 Subject 2 II. Point B: III. Point C: Conclusion Subject-by-Subject: First half of essay is Subject 1, second half is Subject 2. Intro: Thesis I. Subject 1: Point A Point B Point C II. Subject 2: Conclusion
Supporting Details Exemplification: Just like Division essays, your descriptive examples in your Comparison and/or Contrast essay’s body paragraphs can be personal experiences, facts, statistics, or quotes from witnesses and experts, depending on how personal or impersonal your two subjects are. Whatever your examples are, make sure that they are 1) specific, 2) concrete, and 3) relevant. Note: Avoid using the pronoun “you” in the Body paragraphs. In less- personal essays, avoid using “I” as well – in those cases, find a substitute person to stand in for you.