Being Engaged in Learning: Listening, Taking Notes, and Participating in Class
Your Turn What kind of notes did you take in high school? Do you think you learned how to take good notes? Is the same method working for you now? Why or why not?
Using Your Senses in the Learning Process How do you believe you learn most effectively? Aural Visual Interactive Tactile Kinesthetic Olfactory
Preparing for Class Some classes are hard to follow and understand Prepare by listening, learning and remembering before the lecture Will help in getting better grades Before-class tips: Do the assigned reading Pay attention to your course syllabus Make use of additional materials Warm up for class Get organized
Participating in Class Listening critically and with an open mind can help you get more out of what you hear understand better what you have heard save time Speak up Answers that are not quite correct and lead to new perspectives on topics There is no such thing as a stupid question
Your Turn Is it hard or easy for you to raise your hand and ask questions in most of your classes? Why? How can you become more involved?
Taking Effective Notes Note-taking formats Cornell Outline Paragraph List Note-taking techniques Identify the main ideas Don’t try to write everything down Taking notes in non-lecture courses Be ready to adapt note-taking methods to match the situation Taking notes in science and mathematics courses May differ from taking notes in other types of classes Using technology to take notes Laptops, recorders
Your Turn Which of the four note-taking methods (Cornell, outline, paragraph, list) is most like the one you use? How well does your current system work for you? Explain your answer. What changes will you make in how you take your notes?
Reviewing Your Notes The “Forgetting Curve” Comparing notes Most forgetting takes place within the first 24 hours Comparing notes Can help improve your own notes Class notes and homework Good notes can help you complete homework assignments Take 10 minutes to review your notes Do a warm-up for your homework Do any assigned problems and questions Persevere Complete your work
Your Turn What are your reactions to the suggestions about taking notes and studying for class? Which ideas will you implement in your note-taking strategies? Why? Do you think they have the potential to help you earn better grades? If so, in what way?
Become Engaged in Learning Engaged students not only learn the material but also how to Work with others Improve critical thinking, listening, writing, and speaking skills Function independently and self-teach Manage time Gain sensitivity to cultural differences Need to devote time and energy both in and out of class
Tech Tip: Take Notes Like a Rock Star Using basic programs to sharpen your note-taking skills set Word Great for taking notes in most classes Excel Good for economics and accounting courses PowerPoint Invaluable tool for visual learners