4th International Workshop EuNetAir on TITLE OF TALK European Network on New Sensing Technologies for Air Pollution Control and Environmental Sustainability - EuNetAir COST Action TD1105 4th International Workshop EuNetAir on Innovations and Challenges for Air Quality Control Sensors FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency - Austrian COST Association Vienna, Austria, 25 - 26 February 2016 TITLE OF TALK Presenter Name Function in the Action (MC Member/Substitute, WG Member, Participant, External Expert) Email address Affiliation / Country Speaker Affiliation Logo
Title of the Slide Contents (n slides) Use this template for your Talk at 4th International Workshop EuNetAir in Vienna at FFG, 25-26 February 2016 Add several slides as you need !
CONCLUSIONS (1 slide) CONCLUSIONS: [Discuss briefly the conclusions] [Highlight the main achievements and the open PROBLEMS] 3