Mini Lesson about /ε/ and /ae/ APLNG 410 Teaching Pronunciation October 8, 2008 Youngsook Song and Jennifer Miller Audience: 5th and 6th grade children in an ESL classroom (But the lesson is adaptable for any age)
/ε/ and /ae/
/ε/ and /ae/
Minimal Pairs /ε/ /ae/ dead dad dense dance said sad mess mass end and left laughed pet pat better batter
Which sound most frequently occurs in this conversation? Let’s have a chat about that cat. My cat? Yes…em…it’s too fat. Well, it is a bit fat. But it’s…mm…a very happy cat! Pair Practice
/ε/ pen------------- /ae/ pan Listen and Respond /ε/ pen------------- /ae/ pan This ________ leaks. Don’t write with it. Don’t cook with it. Practice 1
/ε/ letter------------- /ae/ ladder Listen and Respond /ε/ letter------------- /ae/ ladder Where is the ________ ? Do you want to mail it? Do you want to climb it? Practice 2
Listen and Respond /ε/ pedal------------- /ae/ paddle They had to ________ the boat. with their legs with their arms Practice 3
/ε/ begged------------- /ae/ bagged Listen and Respond /ε/ begged------------- /ae/ bagged He ________ a lot. asked for money put groceries in bags Practice 4
Mary Had a Little Lamb ♫♫ Tasks 1. Listen to the song and write down the words including /ε/ and /ae/ sounds. 2. How many times does each sound appear?
Mary Had a Little Lamb ♫♫
Mary Had a Little Lamb ♫♫
Mary Had a Little Lamb ♫♫
Mary Had a Little Lamb ♫♫
Mary Had a Little Lamb ♫♫
Mary Had a Little Lamb ♫♫
Mary Had a Little Lamb ♫♫
Mary Had a Little Lamb ♫♫
Activity Answer Key Mary Had a Little Lamb Little Lamb, Little Lamb It’s fleece was white as snow And everywhere that Mary went Mary went, Mary went Everywhere that Mary went The Lamb was sure to go /ae/ = 3 /ae/ = 2 /ae/ = 1 /ae/ = 4 /ε/ = 2 /ae/ = 2 /ε/ = 2 /ae/ = 3 /ε/ = 2 Total /ae/ = 19 Total /ε/ = 6
Let’s sing along! ♫♫
Charades Game Directions: Form groups of 4-5 people each. Each group should nominate a person to go up front and pick a word to act out. That person should return to their group and act it out for their team. They may tell their team the topic word. Whichever team guesses the acted word first wins. (This game could go on and on, but will be short, due to the time limit of our lesson.)