Foreshock(Mj6.5) Main shock(Mj7.3) 28 hrs later Figure 1. Seismic intensity distribution of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes
Figure 2. Surface faulting of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes on known active faults. Along the Futagawa fault zone, about 30 km long, a series of surface faults are found. The maximum faulting is 2.2 m right-lateral slip at Mashiki town, Dozon area. Photo taken on 2016, May 14th by Naoshi Hirata.
Figure 3.Kumamoto earthquakes on mapped active faults, the Futagawa and Hinagu faults, which are two of 98 major active fault among 2000 mapped active faults in Japan.
Central Kyushu North Central Whole Kyushu: 30-42% South Cumulative distribution South Probability (%) Figure 4. Profanities of earthquake M6.8+ occurrence in 30 years. © Earthquake Research Committee, Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion (HERP)
28% Kumamoto City 14% Mashiki Town Probability Figure 5. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment. A chance for Japanese Seismic Intensity 6- or larger in 30 years: as of Jan. 1, 2016
4 5- 5+ 6- 6+ 7 ≦3 4 5- 5+ 6- 6+ 7 Figure 6. Estimated (a) [7] and observed seismic intensities at the 2016-April-16 Kumamoto earthquake (b)[14].
Figure 7(a). Labeling of active faults Rank S (High) : >3% in 30 yrs Rank A (Fairly high) : 0.1 – 3 % in 30 yrs Rank Z: :<0.1 % in 30 yrs Rank X: unknown (not reject soon to occur) Name Rank Magnitude Figure 7(a). Labeling of active faults
Figure 7 (b)