Warm –up – reading journal Write down this quote and a response. Once chapter 7 Date: Warm –up – reading journal “Once I woke up and I was at home in bed. Dad was reading me a story about a boy who got left in an orphanage. Mum came in with some carrot soup. They both promised they’d never leave me anywhere. We hugged and hugged.” Write down this quote and a response.
Reading pages 57 - 65 9 pages – 9 readers Green card to person who reads best aloud before my time as your teacher is over. Remember the tips Read forward – not down (aim your voice) Proper posture = open diaphragm Slow pace, pause at full stops and commas for breath. Relax, getting nervous affects your voice.
Reflection journal - Three tasks Write and answer the questions below. Write a 2-3 line summary of what is going on in the story. Write down any questions or thoughts you have about what just happened. . Re-read page 64: ‘Why would the Nazis make people suffer like this just for the sake of some books?’ Why is this a turning point for Felix? What has changed in him? Displacement – look at the people forced to travel the road. Apart from material possessions, what do you think they have left behind? What do you think they have brought with them?
Cool down Question Can you imagine being run out of your home and walking to Dublin for refuge? How would you feel?