research - getting what you need how to select a quality fund Graham Rich, CEO & Publisher 26 May 2001
research - getting what you need how to select a quality managed fund who’s Morningstar to say? Morningstar Star Ratings where to find them Morningstar Ql Ratings & Qt Ratings Morningstar RatingAlerts!
who’s Morningstar to say?
about Morningstar our mission … creating trusted and indispensable info and tools that make it easier for you to invest smarter. … and select a quality fund
about Morningstar quality information
about Morningstar our attributes independent international investment information data, ratings, portfolio research internet investor, intermediary, institution
about Morningstar our principles we keep one thing in mind - the investor you can’t be both a player and a ref it takes two to tango what you get is what you see opinion, not recommendation
Morningstar Star Ratings
Morningstar Star Ratings … independent quality assurance ratings of managed funds and the companies that offer them… … and select a quality fund
an excellent quality managed fund or fund manager a very good quality managed fund or fund manager a good quality managed fund or fund manager a poor quality managed fund or fund manager a very poor quality managed fund or fund manager RTS rating temporarily suspended pending possible downgrade NYR not yet rated ! rating restricted due to age
where to find them
Morningstar Ratings e.g. AMP Equity Fund
Morningstar Star Ratings Ql x Qt = Q2 = HHHHH
Morningstar Ratings e.g. AMP Equity Fund
Morningstar Ql Ratings
Morningstar Star Ratings Morningstar Ql Rating components 25% Corporate Strength Rating 22.5% Administration & Distribution Rating 22.5% Investment Management Rating 20% Sector Strength Rating - free 10% Product Features Rating
Morningstar Ratings e.g. AMP Equity Fund
Morningstar Qt Ratings
Morningstar Star Ratings Morningstar Qt Rating components Return Rating Average Risk Rating Downside Risk Rating Risk/Return Rating - free Age Rating
Morningstar Ratings e.g. AMP Equity Fund
Morningstar RatingAlerts! timely, dynamic information Zurich upgraded from 3 to 4 stars Macquarie downgraded from 4 to 3 stars BT retains 3 stars
where to from here?
Morningstar Ratings where to from here? Morningstar TotalAccess
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