VR-SBK-08-02 Rear Yard Setback 2 Felshire Lane Medeiros Property
Request Rear yard setback reduced from 10 feet to 5.11 feet, a variance of 4.89 feet to allow existing pool and deck.
Aerial/Site Location
FLU Map and Zoning Map Designations
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Site Photos
Original Submitted Site Plan
Revised Site Plans
As Built Survey
Variance Criteria Extraordinary and exceptional conditions related to parcel size, shape, topography – No, parcel is typical platted lot. Application of the land development code standards to the property creates an unnecessary hardship – No, standards could have been met. Conditions are peculiar to the piece of property, not created by the actions of the applicant – No, conditions are not related to parcel configuration. Relief (variance) does not cause substantial detriment to the public health, safety, welfare and morals or impair the purpose and intent of this article – Yes, approval will not cause substantial detriment to the public nor impair the purpose and intent of this article. Use of land or building permitted by code – Yes, pool is permissible as accessory use to single family dwelling.
Recommendation Deny the 4.89 foot variance request for failing to meet variance criteria, specifically numbers 1, 2 and 3.