Kids R Kids Track 4 October 2018 Kids R Kids Track 4 October 2018 *Please arrive by 9:00 am for field trip preparation and departure. * All field trips are subject to change due to weather conditions or scheduling conflicts. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 Holly Springs Cultural Center Movie: Ratatouille Triangle Rock Club *Please fill out online waiver @ and CONFIRM in email Kids Together Park & Ice Cream 4 Netsports 5 Buffaloe Lanes Bowling *Wear socks and extra money is allowed 8 Holly Springs Percy Jackson: The Lightening Thief 9 Jellybeans Roller Skating Rink 10 Three Bears Acres *Wear clothes that can get dirty 11 JumpStreet *Sign online waiver 12 Laurel Hills Park 15 Holly Springs Monsters vs. Aliens 16 Adventure Landing *Extra money is allowed 17 Pullen Park 18 Galaxy Fun Park *Please sign paper waiver 19 Phillips Farm