Room 111 News November 2 Important dates: Important Information: Shine Student is Johnny! 11/5: Book Fair Preview Day 11/6: First grade shops the Book Fair 11/7: Picture Retake Day 11/8 and 11/13: Parent Teacher Conferences 11/8: Spelling Test 11/20: First and Second Grade Thanksgiving Prayer Service Important Information: There will be a spelling test next week on List 7! Here are the words: flip, plant, black, glass, does, eat, live, no, see, why, class, slap, flap, glad, club, & plans. Red Ribbon Week was a success. We had a lot of fun this past week. The students learned about what it means to make a wise decision and things to think about when making those decisions. We also practiced ways to SAY NO! Picture Retake Day is next Wednesday. Anyone that was absent or is having a retake may dress up for pictures. If you have not yet signed up for a Parent/Teacher conference, please do so ASAP! If you need assistance, contact the office. Report Cards and Virtues reports will be posted today. Please be sure that you view and sign-off on your child’s cards. Be sure to check both reports. The Scholastic Book Fair will be from 11/5 to 11/13. Our day to buy is Tuesday the 6th. The Book Fair will be open during both conference evenings. Also, a big SHOUT OUT to the parents who volunteered for our Halloween party! We had a lot of fun! Heads-up! The 1st and 2nd grade Christmas program is December 4th at 7:00 pm. Math- Students need to start practicing their math facts. We will work on facts to 20 this year. Thanks!