Welcome to Mr. Schemer’s Civics Class!!
Civics! The goals of this course include becoming informed on how government works, how government affects our lives, and how we can make our government better by being active and engaged citizens.
Message from the Principal End of 3A
Helpful Hints Email is the quickest method of communication for me. Schemerm@duvalschools.org Students should be writing home learning down in their agendas daily. Check Focus and the class blog DAILY for reminders and updates. MSchemer.wordpress.com
Supplies Needed! If each student will bring these supplies one time, we will have enough for the entire year! -Copy paper
Online Textbook We rarely use the textbook, but there is a digital copy located on my blog if students need it.
Late Work Policy All work is due on the original due date. Late work will only be accepted during the 1st and 2nd quarter for up to 50% credit. It must be turned in the following class of the original due date. No late work will be accepted during the 3rd and 4th quarter.
Civics Binder Each student should have a 1 inch Civics binder for… Bellringers/Exit Slips Notes Home Learning (Homework) Assignments/Activities Open note bellringer and exit slip quizzes will periodically occur to ensure students are continually bringing in their binders and focused when taking notes.
Test Folder One 3-pronged Test Folder - Tests, quizzes, data tracking, and study guides will be placed in classroom portfolios in order to provide students with study material for the Civics EOC towards the end of the year.
Make Up Work Students will have the same amount of days absent to make up work in the case of an excused absence. Students are responsible to go to the make- up bin by the dry erase board when they return to class to find out what they missed.
Extra Credit There will be occasional “blog-only” extra credit opportunities for students that keep up with the blog regularly. Students will have the opportunity to earn 5 points extra credit at the end of each quarter by using no more than 2 hall passes during the quarter. Accommodations will not be counted against them.
State End of Course Exam We will have a STATE EOC (End of Course) exam instead of a district EOC. It will count as 30% of the student’s final grade.
Knights (VIP’s) Reward for students displaying exceptional work or progress in academics, dedication, and leadership. Prizes Privileges Free Seats