Room 113 News Friday, November 10, 2017 Important dates: Next week’s Shine student is Hannah Thursday 11/16: Spelling Test Friday 11/17: SCAAP Day 11/9-11/14: Book Fair-11/14 First Grade day to shop. 11/14: Parent-Teacher Conferences Monday 11/20: First and Second Grade Thanksgiving Prayer Service 11/22-11/26: Thanksgiving Break! Important Information: There WILL be a spelling test next week! List 6 It was great to see so many of you at conferences last night! I am looking forward to meeting with the rest of you next Tuesday. If you have not yet signed up for a Parent/Teacher conference please do so ASAP! If you need assistance contact the office. I have a few slots left on Tuesday evening. Thanks for taking owls from our giving tree and making donations! It is truly appreciated. Report Cards were posted last Friday. Please be sure that you view and sign-off on your child’s card. The Scholastic Book Fair will be going on in the library until 11/14. Our day to buy is Tuesday the 15th. You may send money to school with your child if you want them to purchase books here. The Book Fair will also be open Tuesday evening during conferences. Warning there are non-book items!! Please make sure your child knows if they are allowed to buy things other than books- pencils, posters…….! Student Council is now accepting donations for Christmas gifts for Monsignor Funk and Father Klima. They are asking for 50 cents to help with this Christmas surprise! The school food drive starts Monday. Please send in any cans or other non-perishable food items to share with the hungry in our community. No glass jars please! Our school goal is to collect at least 2017 items! We will be having a prayer test on the Grace Before Meals prayer the week of November 28. Here is the text of the prayer to practice: Bless us O Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Our special Thanksgiving snack and prayer service is Monday 11/20! We are learning about the Pilgrims and Native Americans as part of our Social Studies unit on history. We will join with the second graders to celebrate together. Thank you to everyone who signed up to send in items to help with this fun day! I could use a few more donation volunteers! Remember all are welcome to come and participate. We will be in the gym at 10:10. Keep practicing phone number and address with your child!