TERMITE TRACKS After watching the video, Termites video 1 Termites video 2 design and conduct some mini-experiments to come up with an explanation about why the termites are behaving this way. • Record data in your BILL • Write a “What does the data suggest?” summary that includes 3 statements about your findings • PROVIDE EVIDENCE FOR YOUR CONCLUSIONS!
The data suggest that pillbugs are more likely to follow a pen line than another type of writing instrument because … of the items tests (pen, pencil, sharpie marker, highlighter, and colored pencil ) termites only followed the pen. The data suggest that the shape of the line doesn’t affect the termites’ ability to follow because . . . straight lines, curved lines, circles and triangle shapes were tested and the termites were able to follow all of these. The data suggest that the color of the line isn’t a factor in the termites ability to follow the line because . . . they were able to follow a black, blue, and red pen line.
The data suggest that the color of the line isn’t a factor in the termites ability to follow the line because . . . They followed pen lines drawn with certain blue pens (BIC) but not other blue pens. The data suggest that pillbugs were responding to something in the pen ink because … they were able to follow thick pen lines easier than faint pen lines The data suggest that pillbugs were responding to something in the pen ink because … they did not follow a line without pen ink made in the paper with a pen cap.