Please pick up the following BEFORE class starts: Your Interactive Notebook (INB) Highlighter The Starter: Pick up and Complete Starter #2. You have 7 minutes! Take a Ride: Give your red pen to Ms. Hatch Get a Calculator Turn in Starter #2 Pick up the YELLOW guided notes Pick up the WHITE homework worksheet
Once back in your seats: (you have 1 min!) Fill in your Table of Contents for today’s lesson 1.1 page 3 Whole Number Operations 1.2 page 6 Powers & Exponents 1.3 page 8 Order of Operations 1.4a page 11 Divisibility 1.4b page 12 Prime Factorization Clear Your Desks: Keep out your yellow notes, pencil, highlighter and calculator. EVERYTHING ELSE under your chair.
I can find the prime factorization Chapter 1.4b – Lesson I can find the prime factorization of any whole number. 6.NS.4
Calculators OK! 1.4b
Calculators OK! 1.4b Draw a Factor Tree!
I can find the prime factorization Tracker Time! 6.NS.4 – Rate your Mastery! I can find the prime factorization of any whole number. 6.NS.4
1.4b Prime Factorization WS Homework Time! 1.4b Prime Factorization WS I can find the prime factorization of any whole number. 6.NS.4