Fever Week 5 (Week 9) 10/10-10/14 Mon: Grade Flashback QUIZ, Read Chap. 21-22 Self Revision/Peer Conference Worksheet Tues: Read Chap. 23-24 Peer Revision #1 Wed: Read Chap. 25-27 Peer Revision #2 Thurs: Read Chap. 28-Epilogue Final Draft Writing Day FRIDAY: QUIZ, free read Friday
Monday AGENDA! Week 9 Flashbacks Flashback: Complete the editing paragraph. Bell Ringer: What is something you did over fall break? (answer to the right of the editing paragraph.)
Learning Target I can revise my narrative. W 8.5
Fever 1793 Read Chapter 21-22 When you finish, complete the Self-Revision Worksheet. Keep it in your Narrative Folder. *Your narrative will be read by a peer tomorrow, so be sure it is complete and ready.
Tuesday AGENDA! Flashback: Complete the editing paragraph. Bell Ringer: What is one thing you would like some help with when it comes to making your narrative better? Be specific.
Learning Target I can revise my narrative. W 8.5
Peer Conference I think you could work on improving _______by … Discuss the 2 items you circled on the conference sheet. Explain why you circled those. Read your narrative out loud and allow your partner to follow along while you read. (Do not stop to comment or correct anything.) Your partner will then offer advice for both of your circled items. I thought your narrative was effective when… I think you could work on improving _______by … Your partner will fill out the comment section of your paper. Repeat Steps 1-4 for the other partner. Then you each will complete the bottom portion of the conference form independently. When you finish, read Fever (through Chapter 23) together or independently.
Wednesday AGENDA! Week 9 Flashbacks Flashback: Complete the editing paragraph. Bell Ringer: What is one of your strengths as a writer when it comes to your narrative?
Learning Target I can revise my narrative. W 8.5
Peer Revision Silently complete the peer revision worksheet Only ask questions when the timer goes off At the end of class we will conference with our partners to explain our revising. Revisions are DUE AT THE END OF CLASS. If you finish while others are still revising… READ FEVER 1793 through Chapter 25
FINAL DRAFT WRITING DAY TOMORROW BRING MUSIC/ devices and earbuds if you would like to write your final draft tomorrow in class
Thursday AGENDA! Week 9 Flashbacks Flashback: Complete the editing paragraph. Bell Ringer: What is one thing you enjoyed about your partner’s narrative yesterday?
Learning Target I can write my final draft, including my partner’s revisions. W 8.5
FINAL DRAFT – DUE MONDAY Typed or neatly written in black pen or pencil Your final draft should look improved compared to your rough draft If you are typing at home or finished with your draft READ FEVER 1793 through to the end Then read another book of your choice
Friday AGENDA! Everyone needs a RED PEN
Grade your flashbacks 2 points = Bell Ringer answered, complete sentence 3 points = Editing each paragraph 5 points per day TOTAL + ___ / 20
Learning Target I can write my final draft, including my partner’s revisions. W 8.5
FINAL DRAFT – DUE MONDAY Typed or neatly written in black pen or pencil Is improved compared to your rough draft If you are typing at home or finished with your draft, finish reading Fever 1793