Meds 371, Systems Neuroscience Purves et al., Neuroscience, Sinauer Required textbook: Purves et al., Neuroscience, Sinauer
Meds 371, Systems Neuroscience second exam (in class), 25% 3 credits Mon 3-4 pm; Thu 3-4 pm; 4-5 pm Grades are based on: quizzes (take home), 25% first exam (in class), 25% second exam (in class), 25% final exam (in class), 25%
second exam; Apr. 8, Mon. 3-5 pm Spring break: March 18~22 first exam; Feb. 21, Thu. 4-6 pm second exam; Apr. 8, Mon. 3-5 pm final Exam: May 9, Thu., 3-5 pm
functional organization of the brain Overview of functional organization of the brain
Reading: Purves Chapter 1: Studying the nervous system Appendix A: Survey of human neuroanatomy
Five principles governing the organization of the major functional neural systems: 1. Each system involves several brain regions to carry out a specific information processing. 2. Identifiable pathways link the components of a functional system. 3. Orderly projections create topographic maps. 4. Each functional system typically has both hierarchical and parallel organizations. 5. A functional system on one side of the brain is associated with the contralateral side of the body. Kandel 5th Chap. 15
dermatomes Purves Purves Box 9A
auditory somatosensory Kandel 5th Fig 15-1