Poverty in the UK: a quiz


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Presentation transcript:

Poverty in the UK: a quiz This quiz has been put together using the latest available information and definitions from official sources which monitor poverty and social inclusion statistics in the UK. For more information, see www.poverty.org.uk

C. Over 2,000 times How many times is poverty mentioned in the Bible? Fewer than 500 times Around 1,000 times Over 2,000 times C. Over 2,000 times The Poverty and Justice Bible highlights almost 3,000 verses where the Bible addresses issues of poverty and justice.

C. 1 in 5 (13.5 million) How many people in the UK live in poverty?

According to members of the public, how much do a couple with two school-aged children need per year to maintain a minimum standard of living? £15,356 £20,024 £26,512 B. £20,024

How much is the UK National ‘Living’ Wage as a full-time salary? £12,305 £14,974 £18,635 B. £14,974 This is only 75% of the amount really needed to support a typical household.

What percentage of the UK’s benefit bill goes to unemployed working-age adults to supplement their income? %? 5% 25% 45% A. 5% Unemployed working-age adults are the smallest group of people receiving benefits. Most benefits cover rent or go to other groups, such as disabled people or those working on low incomes.

Which Old Testament story shows how the practice of gleaning enabled the poor and widows to earn enough to live on? Esther Ruth Job B. Ruth Ruth supported herself and her mother-in-law by gleaning, or gathering the left-overs from the harvest, when they became widows and lost their traditional means of support.

What percentage of children living in poverty are in a household where someone is in paid work? 17% 36% 66% C. 66% Working poverty has a terrible impact on family life.

B. People from the streets In the parable of the Great Feast, who responded to the king’s invitation and came to the banquet? Farmers People from the streets Business men and women B. People from the streets Everyone else made excuses.

A. 8th highest 8th highest 12th highest 16th highest Within the 27 countries of the European Union, where does the UK rank in terms of the percentage of people living in poverty? 8th highest 12th highest 16th highest A. 8th highest Only Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Estonia, Spain and Italy have worse poverty rates. Yet the UK has the third highest GDP in the European Union.

C. £70 billion £2 billion £5 billion £70 billion The cost of benefit fraud is £1.5 billion a year. How much is lost due to tax evasion by companies and wealthy individuals? £2 billion £5 billion £70 billion C. £70 billion The government claims that ‘only’ £26 billion of tax is illegally evaded in the UK each year, but World Bank data suggests £70 billion. The total Tax Gap, including legal avoidance, may be £120 billion.

A. Pakistani and Bangladeshi Which of these ethnic groups has the highest level of poverty? Pakistani and Bangladeshi Black non-Caribbean White A. Pakistani and Bangladeshi 60% of Pakistani and Bangladeshi people live in poverty, compared to 48% of Black non-Caribbean people and 20% of White people.

B. Amos Jeremiah Amos Micah Which prophet pronounced doom on Israel because they used inflated prices and dishonest scales to cheat the poor? Jeremiah Amos Micah B. Amos Amos pronounced God’s judgement on Israel because although they worshipped God and followed the letter of the law, they did not keep to the spirit of the law - which was to bring justice.