Room Interior Space One Point Perspective Paper Cutout Room Assignment Color Relationships
Objectives: At the end of this assignment each student will: Define space, by way of a room interior, through the use of aerial, one-point, or two-point perspective. Arrange the components of the image to attain spatial balance and complexity. Choose appropriate detail through the use of construction paper cutouts. Attain color balance through the use of triad or complementary color relationships.
Requirements for this Assignment Two or three walls, ceiling, floor, furniture, and necessary fixtures. Believable sense of depth through the use of aerial, one-point, or two-point perspective. Overlap and complexity, where appropriate. Color balance through the use of triad or complementary color relationships.
Creating the space - perspective Perspective is a tool used by artists to give a believable sense of depth to an image created on a flat surface. It became a formal method beginning in the early 16th Century by the Renaissance artists. It is still used by artists, architects, and designers today.
Aerial Perspective It is considered an informal perspective originally used by artists in Ancient Rome for wall paintings in the villas. The artist would “guess” at the sense of depth.
One-point perspective Depth is shown by having everything lead to one common vanishing point. This means the image is shown as a front view.
Two-point perspective The image goes off to the distance with the vanishing points at opposite ends of the Horizon Line.
The planning A minimum of three ideas will be required. It is important to push your creative thinking as far as possible. Technical revisions can come later. The strongest of the ideas will be pursued for the finished piece, in which the technical aspect will enter as to which details will be used and which omitted because construction paper will be used. Items may run off the frame of the base paper.
In the final product The desired color relationship will be chosen, whether triad, using the three primary or three secondary colors, or complementary colors, the colors opposite to each other on the color wheel. Evaluation will be based upon creative and appropriate thinking, based upon the assignment’s parameters, and the craftsmanship, the effective and logical use of time and materials.