Many words have interesting stories about their origins.
teddy bear a soft toy bear Named for a U.S. President, Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt
salt a natural white substance that is used especially to flavor or preserve food
vandal a person who deliberately destroys or damages property
watt a unit for measuring electrical power
atlas a book of maps
cereal breakfast food made from grain
capital having the main offices of a government in the form A, B, C, etc., rather than a, b, c
muscle a body tissue that can contract and produce movement
ritzy very fashionable and expensive often in a showy way
palace the official home of a king, queen, president, etc. a very large and impressive house
panic a state or feeling of extreme fear that makes someone unable to act or think normally
vandalism the act of deliberately destroying or damaging property
flashy bright or fancy in a way that is meant to attract attention
popcorn corn in the form of hard yellow seeds that burst open and become soft and white when they are heated
gargantuan very large in size or amount
jeep used for a small truck that can be driven over very rough surfaces
china a hard white material that is made of baked clay and used to make plates, bowls, etc.
funny bone a place at the back of your elbow where you feel a painful tingling sensation when it is hit
pineapple large fruit that grows on a tropical tree and that has thick skin and very sweet, juicy, yellow flesh
eavesdrop to listen secretly to what other people are saying